Aplicación de la fuerza mayor en los procedimientos administrativos del sector eléctrico
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La aplicación de la fuerza mayor para eximir de responsabilidad a los concesionarios que
brindan un servicio público tiene una aplicación diferente a la dispuesto por el derecho civil,
en tanto que la actividad económica a la que se dedican tienen un régimen especial. En el
sector eléctrico, es OSINERGMIN quien califica un hecho como un evento de fuerza mayor,
por lo que emitió Resolución OSINERG N° 010-2004-OS/CD, mediante la cual se dispone el
procedimiento para solicitar la calificación de fuerza mayor. En ese contexto, se identificarán
las diferencias que existen entre la aplicación de la fuerza mayor en el derecho administrativo
y el derecho civil. Conforme se procederá a explicar, existe una mayor flexibilidad en la
aplicación de la fuerza mayor en la vía administrativa. Por consiguiente, a través de un
extenso análisis, se procederá de determinar la correcta aplicación de la fuerza mayor en el
procedimiento administrativo, en base a la solicitud de calificación de fuerza mayor por un
caso de hurto presentado por el concesionario EDECAÑETE.
The application of force majeure to exempt concessionaires that provide a public service from liability has a different application than that provided by civil law, while the economic activity to which they are engaged has a special regime. In the electricity sector, it is OSINERGMIN that qualifies an event as a force majeure event, for which reason it issued OSINERG Resolution No. 010-2004-OS/CD, through which the procedure for requesting the qualification of force majeure is established. In this context, the differences between the application of force majeure in administrative law and civil law will be identified. As will be explained, there is greater flexibility in the application of force majeure in administrative proceedings. Therefore, through an extensive analysis, the correct application of force majeure in the administrative procedure will be determined, based on the request for qualification of force majeure for a case of theft presented by the EDECAÑETE concessionaire.
The application of force majeure to exempt concessionaires that provide a public service from liability has a different application than that provided by civil law, while the economic activity to which they are engaged has a special regime. In the electricity sector, it is OSINERGMIN that qualifies an event as a force majeure event, for which reason it issued OSINERG Resolution No. 010-2004-OS/CD, through which the procedure for requesting the qualification of force majeure is established. In this context, the differences between the application of force majeure in administrative law and civil law will be identified. As will be explained, there is greater flexibility in the application of force majeure in administrative proceedings. Therefore, through an extensive analysis, the correct application of force majeure in the administrative procedure will be determined, based on the request for qualification of force majeure for a case of theft presented by the EDECAÑETE concessionaire.
Empresas eléctricas--Legislación--Perú, Empresas eléctricas--Regulación--Perú, Organismos reguladores--Perú