Business consulting de Servicios Múltiples Ica S.A.C.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Servicios Múltiples Ica S.A.C., es una empresa iqueña, fundada en el 2000, dedicada
a brindar servicios de seguridad privada, protección y resguardo y atención de seguridad
personalizada. Entre sus principales clientes, están: Minera Caracol S.A.C., EGASA,
Consorcio Vial Sierra, Concar, Proagro, Cicsa, Shougesa y Sucamec. Sermica S.A.C. cuenta
con políticas de seguridad bajo certificaciones ISO 9001 BASC y homologación por de
proveedores por la SGS. Así mismo, cuenta con políticas integradas en gestión de calidad,
seguridad ocupaciones, y gestión de riesgos.
El Gerente General es Dany Caceres y el Gerente de Recursos Humanos es Joriab
Caceres, la empresa se gerencia entre los dos mencionados y el Gerente de Operaciones.
Para la identificación del problema principal, se realizaron entrevistas con la gerencia
general y los jefes de área, determinándose que, el problema principal es la Disminución de
las ventas por falta de gestión organizacional. Para tal efecto, la causa raíz del problema, está
relacionada con la: falta de gestión estratégica, financiera y marketing; falta de seguimiento
en el flujo de seguridad privada, protección y resguardo; y la falta de seguridad en el uso de
recursos financieros. Por otro lado, se realizó el análisis externo e interno, así como la
revisión de literatura que, sirvió como base para proponer herramientas de alternativas de
mejora, como la: matriz de orientación estratégica, fortalecimiento de la gestión comercial
con la expansión de nuevas líneas de negocio a nuevas regiones o departamentos del país,
programa de excelencia operacional, y el tablero de mando integral. En ese sentido, se
elaboró un cronograma de implementación para cada entregable, asignándose un presupuesto,
plazo y responsables.
La evaluación económica y financiera demostró la viabilidad del proyecto, revisando
dos escenarios. En el escenario optimista, el valor actual neto es S/. 594,219.95, la tasa de
retorno de 97.93%, y el periodo de recuperación es partir del año 2. Por su parte, en el escenario pesimista, el valor actual neto es S/. 168,016.23, la tasa de retorno de 5.14%, y el
periodo de recuperación es partir del año 2.
Servicios Múltiples Ica S.A.C., is an Ica company, founded in 2000, dedicated to providing private security, protection and protection servicies and personalized security attention. Among its main clients are: Minera Caracol S.A.C., EGASA, Consorcio Vial Sierra, Concar, Proagro, Cicsa, Shougesa and Sucamec. Sermica S.A.C. It has security policies under ISO 9001 BASC certifications and approval by suppliers by SGS. Likewise, it has integrated policies on quality management, occupational safety, and risk management. To identify the main problem, interviews were carried out with the general management and the heads of the área, determining that the main problem is the decrease in sales due to lack of organizational management. For this purpose, the root cause of the problem is related to the: lack of strategic, financial and marketing management; lack of monitoring in the flow of private security, protection and safekeeping; and the lack of security in the use of financial resources. On the other hand, the external and internal analysis was carried out, as well as the literature review that served as a basis for proposing tools for improvement alternatives, such as: strategic orientation matrix, strengthening of commercial management with the expansion of new lines of business to new regions or departments of the country, operational excellence program, and the integral control panel. In this sense, an implementation schedule was drawn up for each deliverable, assigning a budget, deadline, and responsible parties. The economic and financial evaluation demonstrated the viability of the project, reviewing two scenarios. In the optimistic scenario, the net present value is S /. 594,219.95, the return rate of 97.93%, and the recovery period is from year 2. On the other hand, in the pessimistic scenario, the net present value is S /. 168,016.23, the rate of return of 5.14%, and the payback period is from year 2.
Servicios Múltiples Ica S.A.C., is an Ica company, founded in 2000, dedicated to providing private security, protection and protection servicies and personalized security attention. Among its main clients are: Minera Caracol S.A.C., EGASA, Consorcio Vial Sierra, Concar, Proagro, Cicsa, Shougesa and Sucamec. Sermica S.A.C. It has security policies under ISO 9001 BASC certifications and approval by suppliers by SGS. Likewise, it has integrated policies on quality management, occupational safety, and risk management. To identify the main problem, interviews were carried out with the general management and the heads of the área, determining that the main problem is the decrease in sales due to lack of organizational management. For this purpose, the root cause of the problem is related to the: lack of strategic, financial and marketing management; lack of monitoring in the flow of private security, protection and safekeeping; and the lack of security in the use of financial resources. On the other hand, the external and internal analysis was carried out, as well as the literature review that served as a basis for proposing tools for improvement alternatives, such as: strategic orientation matrix, strengthening of commercial management with the expansion of new lines of business to new regions or departments of the country, operational excellence program, and the integral control panel. In this sense, an implementation schedule was drawn up for each deliverable, assigning a budget, deadline, and responsible parties. The economic and financial evaluation demonstrated the viability of the project, reviewing two scenarios. In the optimistic scenario, the net present value is S /. 594,219.95, the return rate of 97.93%, and the recovery period is from year 2. On the other hand, in the pessimistic scenario, the net present value is S /. 168,016.23, the rate of return of 5.14%, and the payback period is from year 2.
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Proveedores--Selección--Manuales, Servicios de seguridad privada--Perú--Lima
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