Plan estratégico de la industria de los desperdicios en Arequipa ciudad
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La cantidad desperdicios sólidos se ha incrementado notoriamente en las últimas dos
décadas, siendo uno de los principales problemas de las grandes ciudades. Arequipa no es
ajena a esta situación y hoy en día se puede observar gran cantidad de botaderos informales
ubicados en distintas partes de la ciudad, que están siendo ocupados por recicladores
informales que trabajan en pésimas condiciones de salubridad. La visión de este trabajo es
tomar, como primera etapa, siete distritos estratégicamente seleccionados y cinco tipos de
desperdicios para lograr reaprovechar más de la mitad de los desperdicios sólidos de la
ciudad de Arequipa.
Dentro de los principales objetivos que tiene el presente trabajo se tiene: (a) el
reaprovechamiento del 50.3% de los desperdicios sólidos Arequipa; (b) cerrar los botaderos
informales; (c) capacitar a la población para lograr una reclasificación de desperdicios desde
el origen; (d) implementar un depósito de seguridad para residuos peligrosos; (e) tratar el
100% de los desperdicios orgánicos de la ciudad de Arequipa; y (f) comercializar el 100% de
los desperdicios de papel, cartón, vidrios, plásticos y metales generados en los siete distritos
alcanzados por el estudio. Como recomendaciones para cumplir estos objetivos se tienen que
implementar un sistema de segregación desde el origen capacitando a la población e
instalando contenedores superficiales y subterráneos, unificar el sistema de recojo y
tratamiento de residuos de los distritos estudiados, la creación de un botadero de seguridad, el
cierre y remediación de los botaderos informales.
El futuro de la industria es incluir al resto de los distritos de Arequipa, creando un
sistema que pueda replicarse en otras ciudades de Perú y del Mundo, donde Arequipa sea
referencia de gestión y tratamiento de los desperdicios
The quantity of solid waste has strongly increased in the last two decades, been one of the main problems of the large cities. Arequipa is not excluded from this situation and nowadays there are many informal waste dump sites all over the city, where local informal workers do they job in poor sanitation conditions. Our vision is take, as a first stage, seven districts and five types of waste to reuse and recycle more than 50% of the total waste in Arequipa. Among the principal purposes of this paper are: (a) the reuse and recycle 50.3% of Arequipa solid waste; (b) close informal dumpsites; (c) empower people to achieve waste reclassification from source; (d) create a security hazardous waste deposit; (e) reuse 100% of organic waste from Arequipa; and (f) commercialize 100% waste paper, cardboard, glass, plastics and metals generated in the seven districts reached by the study. As our recommendations to achieve these goals are implement a waste segregation system from source, training the population and installing surface and underground waste containers, create an unique waste collection system, create a security hazardous waste deposit and the closure and remediation of informal waste dumpsites. The future of the industry is to include the others districts of Arequipa, creating a waste treatment system which can replicate it in other cities from Peru an all over the world. The successful implementation of this strategic plan will make Arequipa be taken as a world reference in waste treatment management
The quantity of solid waste has strongly increased in the last two decades, been one of the main problems of the large cities. Arequipa is not excluded from this situation and nowadays there are many informal waste dump sites all over the city, where local informal workers do they job in poor sanitation conditions. Our vision is take, as a first stage, seven districts and five types of waste to reuse and recycle more than 50% of the total waste in Arequipa. Among the principal purposes of this paper are: (a) the reuse and recycle 50.3% of Arequipa solid waste; (b) close informal dumpsites; (c) empower people to achieve waste reclassification from source; (d) create a security hazardous waste deposit; (e) reuse 100% of organic waste from Arequipa; and (f) commercialize 100% waste paper, cardboard, glass, plastics and metals generated in the seven districts reached by the study. As our recommendations to achieve these goals are implement a waste segregation system from source, training the population and installing surface and underground waste containers, create an unique waste collection system, create a security hazardous waste deposit and the closure and remediation of informal waste dumpsites. The future of the industry is to include the others districts of Arequipa, creating a waste treatment system which can replicate it in other cities from Peru an all over the world. The successful implementation of this strategic plan will make Arequipa be taken as a world reference in waste treatment management
Control de desperdicios -- Perú -- Arequipa, Reciclaje (Residuos, etc.)., Planificación estratégica
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