Análisis de problemas de adición, sustracción y multiplicación de expresiones decimales, creados por estudiantes del 6° grado de primaria en una experiencia didáctica
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene el objetivo de obtener la información sobre las capacidades
creativas y matemáticas de estudiantes del 6º grado de primaria de una institución educativa
estatal del Perú, mediante el análisis de los problemas que ellos crearon sobre adición,
sustracción y multiplicación de expresiones decimales. Para obtener información sobre las
capacidades creativas, examinamos la originalidad, flexibilidad y fluidez que se muestran en
los problemas y para las capacidades matemáticas examinamos las soluciones de los
problemas que propusimos y de los que ellos mismos crearon, así como la coherencia lógica
entre información y requerimientos al crear problemas. Como resultado del análisis realizado
concluimos que los estudiantes muestran altos niveles de flexibilidad, fluidez y claridad al
crear problemas por elaboración; que la fluidez se expresa mucho mejor con los problemas no
rutinarios; que la originalidad no es muy alta por la tendencia a imitar los problemas
trabajados anteriormente; que los estudiantes revelan mayor capacidad de creación de
problemas cuando conocen el contexto y dominan el entorno matemático; y que el trabajo
grupal es más fructífero que el individual. Encontramos altas capacidades matemáticas, en
cuanto a la resolución de los problemas propuestos y creados y a la coherencia lógica en los
problemas creados.
The present research paper aims to get information on the creative and mathematical abilities of 6th grade elementary students of a public education center in Peru by analyzing the problems they posed on addition, subtraction and multiplication of decimal expressions. In order to obtain information regarding creative abilities, we examined the originality, flexibility and fluency shown in the problem, and for the mathematical abilities, we examined the solutions to the problems we proposed and the ones they posed themselves, as well as the logical coherence between information and requirements when posing problems. As a result of the performed analysis, we concluded that students show high levels of flexibility, fluency and clarity when posing problems by elaboration; that originality is not too high due to the tendency to imitate problems done previously; that students reveal a higher problem posing ability when they know the context and dominate the mathematical environment; and that group work is more productive than the individual one. We found high mathematical abilities regarding the resolution of the proposed and posed problems as well as the logical coherence in the posed problems.
The present research paper aims to get information on the creative and mathematical abilities of 6th grade elementary students of a public education center in Peru by analyzing the problems they posed on addition, subtraction and multiplication of decimal expressions. In order to obtain information regarding creative abilities, we examined the originality, flexibility and fluency shown in the problem, and for the mathematical abilities, we examined the solutions to the problems we proposed and the ones they posed themselves, as well as the logical coherence between information and requirements when posing problems. As a result of the performed analysis, we concluded that students show high levels of flexibility, fluency and clarity when posing problems by elaboration; that originality is not too high due to the tendency to imitate problems done previously; that students reveal a higher problem posing ability when they know the context and dominate the mathematical environment; and that group work is more productive than the individual one. We found high mathematical abilities regarding the resolution of the proposed and posed problems as well as the logical coherence in the posed problems.
Matemáticas--Estudio y enseñanza (Primaria)., Aritmética--Estudio y enseñanza., Educación primaria--Investigaciones.
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