Fomento de autonomía en niños del ciclo II en la educación a distancia en una institución privada de Lima metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
A partir de la pandemia provocada por el virus del COVID19, las escuelas realizaron
cambios para continuar otorgando educación, adecuándose a la modalidad a
distancia. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar las estrategias
pedagógicas que los docentes utilizan para fomentar la autonomía en la educación a
distancia en una institución privada de Lima metropolitana. Esta investigación
pertenece a la línea de educación y desarrollo infantil, es de tipo descriptivo y tiene
enfoque cualitativo, asimismo, las informantes consideradas para el presente trabajo
son docentes del segundo ciclo de educación básica regular. La información se obtuvo
a través de la técnica de la entrevista y se utilizó como instrumento una guía de
entrevista semi estructurada. Asimismo, el análisis de resultados se realizó a partir de
matrices que responden a las categorías de la presente investigación. Finalmente, los
resultados concluyen que la autonomía es una capacidad primordial, que debe
desarrollarse desde los primeros años de vida por los beneficios que otorga en la
formación integral de un ser humano; por ello, desde nuestro rol docente es
fundamental promover la autonomía. Asimismo, afirmamos la importancia de que los
docentes utilicen estrategias pedagógicas para el fomento de la autonomía
respondiendo a las necesidades de cada grupo de estudiantes a partir de una
As a result of the pandemic caused by the COVID 19 virus, schools were forced to adapt their teaching methods to continue providing education by applying remote learning. This study aims to analyze the pedagogical strategies teachers use in a private school in Lima to promote autonomy in remote education. The current research falls under the education and child development line; it is descriptive and takes a qualitative approach. Likewise, the informants considered are teachers from the second semester of regular basic education. The information was collected through the interview technique using a semi-structured interview guide as an instrument. In the same way, results were also analyzed using schemes that were aligned with the categories of the present investigation.Finally, the results conclude that autonomy is an essential capacity that should be developed from the earliest years of life because it plays a significant role in the integral development of a human being; therefore, as part of our teaching responsibilities, we need to encourage and promote autonomy in our students. In the same way, we emphasize the importance of teachers integrating pedagogical strategies to promote autonomy, based on a planning the needs of each group of students.
As a result of the pandemic caused by the COVID 19 virus, schools were forced to adapt their teaching methods to continue providing education by applying remote learning. This study aims to analyze the pedagogical strategies teachers use in a private school in Lima to promote autonomy in remote education. The current research falls under the education and child development line; it is descriptive and takes a qualitative approach. Likewise, the informants considered are teachers from the second semester of regular basic education. The information was collected through the interview technique using a semi-structured interview guide as an instrument. In the same way, results were also analyzed using schemes that were aligned with the categories of the present investigation.Finally, the results conclude that autonomy is an essential capacity that should be developed from the earliest years of life because it plays a significant role in the integral development of a human being; therefore, as part of our teaching responsibilities, we need to encourage and promote autonomy in our students. In the same way, we emphasize the importance of teachers integrating pedagogical strategies to promote autonomy, based on a planning the needs of each group of students.
Educación a distancia--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, COVID (Enfermedad), Educación preescolar--Perú-Lima Metropolitana
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