Planeamiento estratégico para el primer nivel de atención pública del sector salud de la Región Junín
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El primer nivel de atención pública del sector salud en la región Junín es uno de los
sectores con mayor importancia en el Perú por su relación directa con la población y el
crecimiento de los demás sectores económicos en la región, por lo que el gobierno peruano,
ha prestado atención y urgencia para el desarrollo sostenible de la misma. Este nivel de
atención pública presenta problemas serios en la gestión de recursos para la prestación de
servicios de salud a los usuarios, debido al inadecuado proceso de abastecimiento de
recursos, deficiente gerenciamiento de los servicios críticos, disminuida capacidad de los
operadores a cargo de dichos procesos e inoportuna toma de decisiones, todo ello
acompañado de los diferentes cambios políticos, estructura burocrática y de intereses propios
de organismos e instituciones que dependen del sector, que ocasionan inestabilidad e
insostenibilidad en la gestión. Asimismo, este nivel de atención se encuentra lejos de la
tecnología moderna e innovadora por el escaso recurso económico que enfrenta, así como
centrar los servicios en papeles de trabajo que la hacen ineficiente e improductiva,
acompañado por el recurso humano desmotivado por los diferentes regímenes laborales que
enfrenta, la ineficiente gestión de medicamentos e insumos que genera el desabastecimiento
de los mismos, una infraestructura antigua e inconclusa y la ausencia de la cultura en la
prevención de enfermedades en la población.
En ese sentido, el presente plan estratégico plantea estrategias y planes de acción con
el fin de que el primer nivel de atención pública de la región Junín sea reconocida en la macro
región del centro del Perú por ofrecer un servicio de calidad en la prevención de salud por
tener: (a) una prestación de servicios eficiente, (b) abastecimiento adecuado de
medicamentos, (c) equipamiento médico operativo, y (d) una infraestructura adecuada para la
prestación de servicios
The first level of public attention in the health sector in the region of Junin is one of the most important levels in Peru because of its direct relation with the population and the growth of the other economic sectors in the region, that is why the Peruvian government recently has given attention to us development, it has presented management problems due to the complex and bureaucratic structure it faces. At the same time, this level of attention is far from modern and innovative technology because of the scarce economic resources it, as well as the administrative seccion which is inefficient and unproductive, accompanied by demotivated personal. Also the inefficient management of medicines and supplies that generates its shortage of and an old infrastructure, unfinished and without the necessary conditions for the attention of services. The other problem is the first level of public attention in the health sector in the region of Junin is the absence of a culture in health promotion and disease prevention in the health sector in Peru is fragmented. In this sense, the currens strategic plan proposes strategies and plans of action in order that the first level of public attention of the Junín region be recognized in the macro region of central Peru for offering a quality service in health to have : (a) efficient provision of services, (b) adequate supply of medicines, (c) operational medical equipment, and (d) adequate infrastructure for the provision of services
The first level of public attention in the health sector in the region of Junin is one of the most important levels in Peru because of its direct relation with the population and the growth of the other economic sectors in the region, that is why the Peruvian government recently has given attention to us development, it has presented management problems due to the complex and bureaucratic structure it faces. At the same time, this level of attention is far from modern and innovative technology because of the scarce economic resources it, as well as the administrative seccion which is inefficient and unproductive, accompanied by demotivated personal. Also the inefficient management of medicines and supplies that generates its shortage of and an old infrastructure, unfinished and without the necessary conditions for the attention of services. The other problem is the first level of public attention in the health sector in the region of Junin is the absence of a culture in health promotion and disease prevention in the health sector in Peru is fragmented. In this sense, the currens strategic plan proposes strategies and plans of action in order that the first level of public attention of the Junín region be recognized in the macro region of central Peru for offering a quality service in health to have : (a) efficient provision of services, (b) adequate supply of medicines, (c) operational medical equipment, and (d) adequate infrastructure for the provision of services
Salud pública -- Perú -- Junín, Planificación estratégica
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