Modelo ProLab: Flexam, una propuesta para mejorar la competitividad de los jóvenes preuniversitarios
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El sistema educativo en Perú es un problema social relevante que enfrenta una serie de
desafíos que han contribuido a mantener altos niveles de desigualdad y una calidad educativa
deficiente en muchas regiones del país. En un 2024 donde la población mucho más preparada
tiene mejores argumentos para enfrentarse a los retos que vive el mercado laboral, es muy
importante que los jóvenes que terminan la secundaria puedan dar el siguiente paso y accedan a
educación superior en las universidades públicas locales.
El presente trabajo propone una plataforma digital diseñada para mejorar la preparación
académica de los jóvenes que buscan ingresar a universidades públicas del Perú. Flexam es el
nombre de la solución, la cual se diferencia por su oferta de valor integral, enfrentando una
competencia moderada, pero con una propuesta única que la posiciona favorablemente.
De acuerdo con el análisis realizado en el presente trabajo, este proyecto es viable
económicamente, con una inversión inicial de S/465,466 realizada únicamente por aportes de los
accionistas, el proyecto genera un valor actual neto (VAN) de S/3,124,574.25, con un índice de
rentabilidad de 7.71. En el ámbito social, el proyecto tiene un alto potencial para impactar
positivamente en la educación de los estudiantes, contribuyendo a una mayor equidad en el
acceso a la educación superior en Perú, presentando un VAN social de S/10,473,315.29.
The educational system in Peru is a significant social issue that faces a series of challenges, which have contributed to maintaining high levels of inequality and poor educational quality in many regions of the country. In 2024, where a better-prepared population has stronger arguments to face the challenges of the labor market, it is crucial that young people finishing high school can take the next step and gain access to higher education at local public universities. This project proposes a web platform designed to improve the preparation of students in Peru who seek to enter public universities. Flexam is the name of the solution, which stands out for its comprehensive value proposition. It faces moderate competition, but its unique approach positions it favorably in the market. According to the analysis detailed in the thesis, this project is economically viable. With an initial investment of S/465,466 provided solely by shareholder contributions, the project generates a net present value (NPV) of S/3,124,574.25, with a profitability index of 7.71. And in the social area, the project has a high potential to have a positive impact on the education of students, contributing to greater equity in access to higher education in Peru, presenting a social NPV of S/10,473,315.29.
The educational system in Peru is a significant social issue that faces a series of challenges, which have contributed to maintaining high levels of inequality and poor educational quality in many regions of the country. In 2024, where a better-prepared population has stronger arguments to face the challenges of the labor market, it is crucial that young people finishing high school can take the next step and gain access to higher education at local public universities. This project proposes a web platform designed to improve the preparation of students in Peru who seek to enter public universities. Flexam is the name of the solution, which stands out for its comprehensive value proposition. It faces moderate competition, but its unique approach positions it favorably in the market. According to the analysis detailed in the thesis, this project is economically viable. With an initial investment of S/465,466 provided solely by shareholder contributions, the project generates a net present value (NPV) of S/3,124,574.25, with a profitability index of 7.71. And in the social area, the project has a high potential to have a positive impact on the education of students, contributing to greater equity in access to higher education in Peru, presenting a social NPV of S/10,473,315.29.
Tecnología educativa, Rendimiento académico, Educación virtual
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