Razonamiento y juicio moral sobre dilemas éticos en oncólogos de un hospital de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Los médicos se ven expuestos a una serie de dilemas éticos durante su práctica
profesional, y los oncólogos se enfrentan a dilemas particularmente complejos al
atender a pacientes terminales o potencialmente mortales. Por lo tanto, es importante
que puedan desarrollar un razonamiento moral que les permita responder de la manera
más correcta a situaciones complejas que puedan presentarse, para garantizar el mayor
beneficio para sus pacientes. Por ello, la presente investigación tiene como objetivo
identificar y discutir las características de razonamiento moral de ocho médicos
oncólogos al enfrentarse ante situaciones que impliquen dilemas morales. A través de la
realización de entrevistas clínico críticas, utilizando el dilema hipotético de Heinz,
ideado por Kohlberg y otro creado especialmente para esta investigación, se analizó
cualitativamente los datos. Los resultados encontrados muestran que los oncólogos
participantes presentan un nivel de razonamiento moral predominantemente
convencional, el cual implica limitaciones, pues prioriza el orden social ante principios
éticos universales. La investigación resalta la necesidad de mejorar la calidad y la
homogeneidad curricular en la enseñanza ética durante la formación médica.
Physicians are exposed to ethical dilemmas during their professional practice, and oncologists face particularly complex ones because they work with life-threatening or terminally ill patients. Thus, it is important that they are able to develop a moral reasoning that will enable them to respond in the most adaptive way to these situations, in order to ensure the greatest possible benefit to their patients. Therefore, the following research aims to identify and discuss the characteristics of moral reasoning of eight medical oncologists when faced with situations involving moral conflict. The data was qualitatively analyzed by conducting clinical-critical interviews, using the hypothetical Heinz dilemma devised by Kohlberg and another one created especially for this research. The results show that the participating oncologists present a predominantly conventional level of moral reasoning, which implies limitations while prioritizing the social order to universal ethical principles. The research highlights the need to improve the quality and homogeneity of the curriculum in ethics teaching during medical training.
Physicians are exposed to ethical dilemmas during their professional practice, and oncologists face particularly complex ones because they work with life-threatening or terminally ill patients. Thus, it is important that they are able to develop a moral reasoning that will enable them to respond in the most adaptive way to these situations, in order to ensure the greatest possible benefit to their patients. Therefore, the following research aims to identify and discuss the characteristics of moral reasoning of eight medical oncologists when faced with situations involving moral conflict. The data was qualitatively analyzed by conducting clinical-critical interviews, using the hypothetical Heinz dilemma devised by Kohlberg and another one created especially for this research. The results show that the participating oncologists present a predominantly conventional level of moral reasoning, which implies limitations while prioritizing the social order to universal ethical principles. The research highlights the need to improve the quality and homogeneity of the curriculum in ethics teaching during medical training.
Personal médico--Ética profesional, Juicio moral, Oncología--Aspectos psicológicos
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