La Reivindicación de las Modalidades Formativas Laborales
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Las modalidades formativas laborales conforme se encuentran regulada en la
Ley N° 28518, constituye una de las figuras jurídica que el legislador excluyó del
ámbito laboral, en atención a que está prevista para brindar formación y/o
capacitación a los jóvenes y mayores de 45 años dentro de una empresa; no
obstante, de la lectura integral de los artículos que comprende la citada norma y
de la verificación de la ejecución de la prestación, se puede encontrar rasgos de
laboralidad. En ese sentido, el presente estudio busca determinar si las
modalidades formativas laborales pueden calificar relaciones laborales en la
medida que se compruebe los tres elementos del contrato de trabajo (prestación
personal, subordinación y remuneración), y en caso de configurarse el
componente laboral, evaluar bajo qué régimen de contratación laboral le resulta
aplicable: Régimen laboral general o régimen laboral especial, para sí, poder
establecer una serie de recomendaciones que permitan un mejor acceso de
empleo, protección y/o derechos laborales a los sujetos que se acogen a dicha
figura jurídica.
The labor training modalities, as regulated by Law No. 28518, constitute one of the legal figures that the legislator excluded from the labor scope, in view of the fact that it is intended to provide education and/or training to young people and people over 45 years of age within a company; however, from a comprehensive reading of the articles included in said law and from the verification of the execution of the service, it is possible to find evidence of labor characteristics. In this sense, this study seeks to determine whether the labor training modalities can qualify as labor relations to the extent that the three elements of the labor contract (personal service, subordination and remuneration) are verified, and if the labor component is configured, to evaluate under which labor contracting regime is applicable: General labor regime or special labor regime, in order to establish a series of recommendations that allow better access to employment, protection and/or labor rights to the subjects that use such legal figure.
The labor training modalities, as regulated by Law No. 28518, constitute one of the legal figures that the legislator excluded from the labor scope, in view of the fact that it is intended to provide education and/or training to young people and people over 45 years of age within a company; however, from a comprehensive reading of the articles included in said law and from the verification of the execution of the service, it is possible to find evidence of labor characteristics. In this sense, this study seeks to determine whether the labor training modalities can qualify as labor relations to the extent that the three elements of the labor contract (personal service, subordination and remuneration) are verified, and if the labor component is configured, to evaluate under which labor contracting regime is applicable: General labor regime or special labor regime, in order to establish a series of recommendations that allow better access to employment, protection and/or labor rights to the subjects that use such legal figure.
Trabajadores--Derechos--Legislación--Perú, Contratos de Trabajo--Legislación--Perú, Derecho laboral--Perú
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