Participación activa de la ciudadanía en la labor policial y fiscal, para hacer frente a la inseguridad ciudadana respecto a los delitos contra el patrimonio, robo y hurto : año 2016 en la ciudad de Chiclayo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Vemos hoy en día que la inseguridad ciudadana se incrementa a pasos
agigantados, siendo la población la principal perjudicada con el deficiente
accionar de las principales autoridades que deben hacer frente a este flagelo.
Esto se ve reflejado en las cifras escandalosas de delincuentes que son
detenidos por la Policía Nacional en flagrancia delictiva y que solo en horas son
liberados por disposición fiscal, originando esto distanciamiento y falta de
participación de la población para con la Policía Nacional y Fiscalía. Para la
elaboración de este proyecto de innovación se ha utilizado el método cualitativo
y considerado estadística de dos comisarías del distrito de José Leonardo Ortiz
(Atusparia y José Leonardo Ortiz) del departamento de Lambayeque, las
mismas que evidenciaron que de un total de setenta y cuatro (74) personas
detenidas en flagrancia en la comisaria de José Leonardo Ortiz, año 2016-
sesenta (60) fueron puestas en libertad, continuando su proceso en calidad de
citados y solo catorce (14) son denunciadas ante el Poder Judicial en calidad de
detenidos. Y esto solo por citar un ejemplo.
Este proyecto de innovación plantea algunos cambios en las actividades de las
instituciones comprometidas en la persecución del delito ( Policía Nacional y
Ministerio Publico ) a través de la participación ciudadana, para de este manera
mitigar la percepción de inseguridad y desconfianza existente y buscar aumentar
el compromiso de la población respecto a estos casos. Es decir “control
ciudadano” y participación activa de la población dentro de las dependencias
policiales; siendo estos cambios viables a nivel organizacional y normativo ,
puesto que para que las instituciones comprometidas las ejecuten basta con una
disposición emanada del Comité Nacional de Seguridad Ciudadana
(CONASEC). En cuanto a la viabilidad económica, cada institución
comprometida afrontara los gastos con recursos propios, los cuales serán
We see today that citizen insecurity is increasing by leaps and bounds, with the population being the main harmed by the deficient actions of the main authorities that must face this scourge. This is reflected in the scandalous figures of criminals who are arrested by the national police in flagrante delicto and only in hours are released by fiscal disposition, causing this distancing and lack of participation of the population to the national police and prosecutor. For the elaboration of this innovation project, the qualitative method, considered statistic of two police stations of the district of José Leonardo Ortiz (Atusparia and José Leonardo Ortiz) of the department of Lambayeque, has been used, which by the way is one of the departments where Work has been done with the New Code of Criminal Procedure, which showed that out of a total of seventy-four (74) people arrested in flagrante delicto in the police station of José Leonardo Ortiz, 2016-60 (60) are released, continuing their process as quoted and only fourteen (14) are reported to the Judiciary as detainees. And this just to give an example. This innovation project proposes some changes in the activities of the institutions involved in the prosecution of crime (National Police and Public Ministry) in order to mitigate the perception of insecurity and mistrust and greater commitment of the population, "citizen control" "And more active participation of the population within the police agencies; These changes are viable at the organizational and normative level, since for the committed institutions to execute them, it is enough with a disposition emanating from the National Citizen Security Committee (CONASEC). In terms of economic viability, each committed institution will face the expenses with its own resources, which will be minimal.
We see today that citizen insecurity is increasing by leaps and bounds, with the population being the main harmed by the deficient actions of the main authorities that must face this scourge. This is reflected in the scandalous figures of criminals who are arrested by the national police in flagrante delicto and only in hours are released by fiscal disposition, causing this distancing and lack of participation of the population to the national police and prosecutor. For the elaboration of this innovation project, the qualitative method, considered statistic of two police stations of the district of José Leonardo Ortiz (Atusparia and José Leonardo Ortiz) of the department of Lambayeque, has been used, which by the way is one of the departments where Work has been done with the New Code of Criminal Procedure, which showed that out of a total of seventy-four (74) people arrested in flagrante delicto in the police station of José Leonardo Ortiz, 2016-60 (60) are released, continuing their process as quoted and only fourteen (14) are reported to the Judiciary as detainees. And this just to give an example. This innovation project proposes some changes in the activities of the institutions involved in the prosecution of crime (National Police and Public Ministry) in order to mitigate the perception of insecurity and mistrust and greater commitment of the population, "citizen control" "And more active participation of the population within the police agencies; These changes are viable at the organizational and normative level, since for the committed institutions to execute them, it is enough with a disposition emanating from the National Citizen Security Committee (CONASEC). In terms of economic viability, each committed institution will face the expenses with its own resources, which will be minimal.
Peru. Ministerio Público, Policía Nacional (Perú), Seguridad ciudadana--Perú--Lambayeque--Chiclayo, Prevención del delito--Perú--Lambayeque--Chiclayo--Participación ciudadana, Delitos contra la propiedad--Perú--Lambayeque--Chiclayo
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