Twitter como herramienta del periodismo de declaraciones con mayor incidencia en las noticias políticas de las plataformas online de medios de comunicación: "Caso Kenji Fujimori en 2017 y 2018”
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo analiza la estrategia de comunicación empleada por el entonces congresista
de la República Kenji Fujimori en Twitter, así como el uso que los periodistas de medios
digitales dieron a sus publicaciones con la mencionada red social.
La investigación encuentra que Twitter se convirtió en el único canal de comunicación de Kenji
Fujimori, cuya unidireccionalidad, accesibilidad e inmediatez reforzó el desarrollo de un
periodismo de declaraciones.
El trabajo está acotado desde enero del 2017 hasta marzo del 2018, y a las plataformas digitales
de Perú21, El Comercio y La República.
En esta tesis, se recurre al análisis de contenido, así como a la entrevista a seis periodistas de
las secciones de Política de los referidos medios digitales, quienes brindan detalles sobre la
producción de información relacionada a Kenji Fujimori. Asimismo, se entrevistó a Alexei
Toledo, quien fue asesor político del ex congresista, para que explique las fases de la estrategia
de comunicación en redes sociales.
La conclusión del trabajo de investigación es que Twitter es una herramienta inmediata,
coyuntural, conflictiva y actualizada, que alienta y refuerza las prácticas de un periodismo de
declaraciones y cierta tendencia de los periodistas a utilizar las tendencias de redes sociales al
momento de elegir los temas para informar.
This research analyzes the communication strategy used by the then Congressman of the Republic Kenji Fujimori on Twitter, as well as the use that digital media journalists gave to their publications with the aforementioned social network. The investigation finds that Twitter became the only communication channel for Kenji Fujimori, whose unidirectionality, accessibility and immediacy reinforced the development of statement journalism. Also, it is limited from January 2017 to March 2018, and to the digital platforms of Perú21, El Comercio and La República. In this thesis, content analysis is used, as well as an interview with six journalists from the Politics sections of the aforementioned digital media, who provide details on the production of information related to Kenji Fujimori. Likewise, Alexei Toledo, who was a political advisor to the former congressman, was interviewed to explain the phases of the communication strategy on social networks. The conclusion of the research work is that Twitter is an immediate, conjunctural, conflictive and up-to-date tool that encourages and reinforces the practices of statement journalism and a certain tendency for journalists to use social media trends when choosing topics to inform.
This research analyzes the communication strategy used by the then Congressman of the Republic Kenji Fujimori on Twitter, as well as the use that digital media journalists gave to their publications with the aforementioned social network. The investigation finds that Twitter became the only communication channel for Kenji Fujimori, whose unidirectionality, accessibility and immediacy reinforced the development of statement journalism. Also, it is limited from January 2017 to March 2018, and to the digital platforms of Perú21, El Comercio and La República. In this thesis, content analysis is used, as well as an interview with six journalists from the Politics sections of the aforementioned digital media, who provide details on the production of information related to Kenji Fujimori. Likewise, Alexei Toledo, who was a political advisor to the former congressman, was interviewed to explain the phases of the communication strategy on social networks. The conclusion of the research work is that Twitter is an immediate, conjunctural, conflictive and up-to-date tool that encourages and reinforces the practices of statement journalism and a certain tendency for journalists to use social media trends when choosing topics to inform.
Periodismo, Redes sociales en línea, Comunicación en política--Perú--Estudio de casos, Twitter, Diarios digitales peruanos
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