Concepciones sobre la psicomotricidad de docentes de primaria de educación básica regular
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente estudio tuvo como propósito caracterizar las concepciones sobre la psicomotricidad
en la educación básica regular, de docentes de primaria de un colegio privado de Lima
Metropolitana. Con este fin se entrevistó a cinco docentes de primer a tercer grado de primaria,
explorando las siguientes áreas: concepciones teóricas sobre psicomotricidad, concepciones sobre
un curso ideal de psicomotricidad y concepciones sobre la práctica actual del curso de
psicomotricidad a su cargo. Los resultados muestran que las concepciones de las docentes del
colegio privado no cuentan con suficiente sustento teórico y el dualismo cuerpo – mente sigue
prevaleciendo en sus ideas y prácticas pedagógicas. Para las profesoras, la psicomotricidad puede
ser utilizada como una técnica o recurso didáctico para alcanzar objetivos relacionados a áreas
del ser humano que se encuentran desintegradas. Se discute la implicancia de estos resultados en
la formación integral que, de acuerdo a la literatura, la escuela debe facilitar. Se plantea la
necesidad del fortalecimiento de la formación continua de los docentes con el objetivo de
debilitar la barrera cuerpo – mente en esta asignatura para alcanzar una educación integral.
The purpose of this study was to characterize the conceptions of psychomotricity in regular basic education, in elementary school teachers of a private school in Metropolitan Lima. To this end, five first and third grade teachers were interviewed to explore the following areas: psychomotricity theoretical conceptions, conceptions of an ideal psychomotricity class, and conceptions of the current practice of the psychomotricity class in place. The results show that the conceptions of those private school teachers do not have sufficient theoretical support, and the body-mind dualism continues to prevail in their pedagogical ideas and practices. To these teachers, psychomotricity can be used as a teaching technique or resource to achieve objectives related to areas of the human being that are disintegrated. The implication of these results in comprehensive training, that according to the literature school should facilitate, is discussed. There is a need to strengthen the continuous teacher training in order to weaken the body-mind barrier in this subject to achieve a comprehensive education.
The purpose of this study was to characterize the conceptions of psychomotricity in regular basic education, in elementary school teachers of a private school in Metropolitan Lima. To this end, five first and third grade teachers were interviewed to explore the following areas: psychomotricity theoretical conceptions, conceptions of an ideal psychomotricity class, and conceptions of the current practice of the psychomotricity class in place. The results show that the conceptions of those private school teachers do not have sufficient theoretical support, and the body-mind dualism continues to prevail in their pedagogical ideas and practices. To these teachers, psychomotricity can be used as a teaching technique or resource to achieve objectives related to areas of the human being that are disintegrated. The implication of these results in comprehensive training, that according to the literature school should facilitate, is discussed. There is a need to strengthen the continuous teacher training in order to weaken the body-mind barrier in this subject to achieve a comprehensive education.
Educación psicomotriz, Personal docente--Capacitación, Educación continua, Educación física--Estudio y enseñanza
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