El crossover en la música para violonchelo: elementos de la música rock y jazz encontrados en el Concierto para violonchelo y banda de viento de Friedrich Gulda, y Lamentatio de Giovanni Sollima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La siguiente investigación consiste en un análisis musical compositivo y descriptivo de la
Obertura del Concierto para violonchelo y banda de viento de Friedrich Gulda, y la obra para
violonchelo solo, Lamentatio de Giovanni Sollima. Este trabajo aborda el tema del croosover
musical encontrado en ambas piezas mencionadas; específicamente, en la inclusión de
elementos de música moderna, como el rock, blues y jazz, en la música clásica, o música
destinada a tocarse en una sala de conciertos o teatros. La importancia de esta investigación
radica en que, mediante el análisis se podrá comprender de mejor manera cómo estilos
musicales diferentes, por medio del crossover, pueden llegar a complementarse y generar un
diálogo entre ellos. Por otro lado, este trabajo también busca mostrar al violonchelo como un
instrumento versátil, capaz de adaptarse a diferentes géneros. Así mismo, esta investigación
busca ser una fuente para violonchelistas con formación clásica que busquen mejorar su
interpretación en obras con influencias de géneros modernos. La elección de ambas obras se
debe a que muestran una fuerte influencia de géneros populares modernos como el rock,
blues y jazz, así como de música clásica. Por este motivo, las piezas escogidas resultan
idóneas para poder explicar el fenómeno del crossover mediante un análisis musical.
The following investigation consists of a compositional and descriptive musical analysis of the Overture of the Concerto for cello and brass band, by Friedrich Gulda, and the work for solo cello, Lamentatio, by Giovanni Sollima. This work will address the theme of the musical croosover found in both mentioned pieces; specifically, in the inclusion of elements of modern music, such as rock, blues and jazz, in classical music, or music intended to be played in a concert hall or theaters. The importance of this research lies in the fact that, through analysis, it will be possible to understand better how different musical styles, through crossover, can complement each other and generate a dialogue between them. On the other hand, this work also seeks to show the cello as a versatile instrument, capable of adapting to different genres; Likewise, this research seeks to be a source for cellists with classical training who seek to improve their performance in works with influences from modern genres. The choice of both works is because they show a strong influence of modern genres, such as rock, blues and jazz, as well as classical music. For this reason, the chosen pieces are ideal for explaining the crossover phenomenon through a musical analysis.
The following investigation consists of a compositional and descriptive musical analysis of the Overture of the Concerto for cello and brass band, by Friedrich Gulda, and the work for solo cello, Lamentatio, by Giovanni Sollima. This work will address the theme of the musical croosover found in both mentioned pieces; specifically, in the inclusion of elements of modern music, such as rock, blues and jazz, in classical music, or music intended to be played in a concert hall or theaters. The importance of this research lies in the fact that, through analysis, it will be possible to understand better how different musical styles, through crossover, can complement each other and generate a dialogue between them. On the other hand, this work also seeks to show the cello as a versatile instrument, capable of adapting to different genres; Likewise, this research seeks to be a source for cellists with classical training who seek to improve their performance in works with influences from modern genres. The choice of both works is because they show a strong influence of modern genres, such as rock, blues and jazz, as well as classical music. For this reason, the chosen pieces are ideal for explaining the crossover phenomenon through a musical analysis.
Jazz, Música rock, Música--Análisis, Música para violonchelo--Análisis
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