Propiedades psicométricas del Interpersonal Behaviors Questionnaire in Sport [IBQ] en deportistas universitarios de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Diversos estudios han demostrado que los(las) entrenadores(as) pueden influir en la
motivación, bienestar y rendimiento de sus deportistas a través del clima motivacional
creado por el estilo que empleen. Sin embargo, investigaciones recientes se han centrado no
solo en el estilo motivacional, sino en los comportamientos interpersonales con respecto a
las necesidades psicológicas básicas que apoyan u obstaculizan el desarrollo de los
deportistas. Basado en la Teoría de la Autodeterminación [TAD], el Interpersonal
Behaviors Questionnaire in Sport [IBQ] evalúa la percepción de apoyo o de
obstaculización de las necesidades psicológicas básicas (autonomía, competencia y
relación) de los(las) deportistas a través de los comportamientos interpersonales de sus
entrenadores(as). Dada la ausencia de instrumentos que estudien la relación
entrenador–deportista alrededor de las necesidades psicológicas básicas, el objetivo de esta
investigación fue adaptar y estudiar las propiedades psicométricas del IBQ en el Perú.
Participaron deportistas universitarios (N = 228; Medad = 21.24; DE = 2.39) de 22
universidades de Lima Metropolitana y 20 distintos deportes. Los resultados del análisis
factorial exploratorio mostraron una estructura bifactorial que mide el apoyo y la
obstaculización de las necesidades psicológicas básicas, y ambos factores presentaron una
adecuada consistencia interna. Los análisis correlacionales con las variables afecto positivo
y negativo evidenciaron validez convergente y discriminante de manera satisfactoria. Se
concluyó que la adaptación del IBQ puede utilizarse en el contexto deportivo peruano para
evaluar la percepción de los comportamientos interpersonales de apoyo u obstaculización
de las necesidades psicológicas básicas que muestran los(las) entrenadores(as).
Research has shown that coaches can influence their athletes' motivation, well-being and performance through the motivational climate created by the style they employ. However, recent research has focused not only on motivational style, but on interpersonal behaviors around basic psychological needs that support or thwart the development of athletes. Based on Self-Determination Theory [SDT], the Interpersonal Behavior Questionnaire in Sport [IBQ] measures the perception of support or thwart of the basic psychological needs (autonomy, competence, and relatedness) of athletes through of the interpersonal behaviors of their coaches. Because of the absence of instruments that study the coach-athlete relationship around basic psychological needs, the aim of this research was to adapt and study the psychometric properties of IBQ in Peru. Have participated university athletes (N = 228; Mage = 21.24; SD = 2.39) from 22 universities, and 20 different sports. The results of the exploratory factor analysis showed of a bifactorial structure that measures supportive or thwarting interpersonal behaviors, and both specific factors showed of an adequate internal consistency. Correlational analyzes with the variables positive and negative affect showed satisfactory convergent and discriminant validity. Thus, it was concluded that the adapted version of the IBQ can be used in the Peruvian sports context to evaluate the perception of supportive or thwarting interpersonal behaviors of the basic psychological needs that coaches display.
Research has shown that coaches can influence their athletes' motivation, well-being and performance through the motivational climate created by the style they employ. However, recent research has focused not only on motivational style, but on interpersonal behaviors around basic psychological needs that support or thwart the development of athletes. Based on Self-Determination Theory [SDT], the Interpersonal Behavior Questionnaire in Sport [IBQ] measures the perception of support or thwart of the basic psychological needs (autonomy, competence, and relatedness) of athletes through of the interpersonal behaviors of their coaches. Because of the absence of instruments that study the coach-athlete relationship around basic psychological needs, the aim of this research was to adapt and study the psychometric properties of IBQ in Peru. Have participated university athletes (N = 228; Mage = 21.24; SD = 2.39) from 22 universities, and 20 different sports. The results of the exploratory factor analysis showed of a bifactorial structure that measures supportive or thwarting interpersonal behaviors, and both specific factors showed of an adequate internal consistency. Correlational analyzes with the variables positive and negative affect showed satisfactory convergent and discriminant validity. Thus, it was concluded that the adapted version of the IBQ can be used in the Peruvian sports context to evaluate the perception of supportive or thwarting interpersonal behaviors of the basic psychological needs that coaches display.
Psicometría (Psicología), Pruebas psicológicas, Relaciones interpersonales, Deportes--Aspectos psicológicos, Motivación (Psicología)
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