La relación entre la autoeficacia, los tipos de motivación y la procrastinación académica en estudiantes de secundaria
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El propósito de la presente investigación fue el de estudiar, tomando en cuenta los tipos de
motivación (desde la Teoría de la Autodeterminación) y la autoeficacia, cuál es el mejor
predictor de la procrastinación académica en un grupo de estudiantes de secundaria.
Participaron 301 estudiantes de secundaria de dos instituciones privadas de Lima
Metropolitana, quienes en su mayoría fueron mujeres (57.5%). A su vez, se analizaron las
propiedades psicométricas de los instrumentos utilizados, hallándose buenas evidencias de
validez y confiabilidad en esta muestra. Se encontró que la motivación controlada predijo de
manera significativa y positiva a la procrastinación académica (β = .15**, t = 2.78), mientras
que la motivación autónoma la predijo de manera significativa y negativa (β = -.41***, t = -
7.59). Contrario a lo que se esperaba, la autoeficacia no fue un predictor significativo de la
procrastinación académica (β = -.06, t = -1.10, n.s.).
The purpose of this research was to study, considering the types of motivation (described in the Self-Determination Theory) and self-efficacy, the best predictor of academic procrastination in a group of high school students. 301 high school students from two private institutions of Metropolitan Lima participated, who were mostly women (57.5%). Also, the psychometric properties of the instruments used were analyzed, and evidence of validity and reliability of the instruments used was found on the sample used. It was found that controlled motivation predicted academic procrastination significantly and positively (β = .15**, t = 2.78), while autonomous motivation predicted it significantly and negatively (β = -.41***, t = -7.59). Contrary to what was expected, self-efficacy was not a significant predictor of academic procrastination (β = -.06, t = -1.10, n.s.).
The purpose of this research was to study, considering the types of motivation (described in the Self-Determination Theory) and self-efficacy, the best predictor of academic procrastination in a group of high school students. 301 high school students from two private institutions of Metropolitan Lima participated, who were mostly women (57.5%). Also, the psychometric properties of the instruments used were analyzed, and evidence of validity and reliability of the instruments used was found on the sample used. It was found that controlled motivation predicted academic procrastination significantly and positively (β = .15**, t = 2.78), while autonomous motivation predicted it significantly and negatively (β = -.41***, t = -7.59). Contrary to what was expected, self-efficacy was not a significant predictor of academic procrastination (β = -.06, t = -1.10, n.s.).
Estudiantes (Educación secundaria)--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Postergación (Psicología), Motivación (Psicología), Autoeficacia
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