Implicancias socioculturales del alfar Marrón Doméstico Lima en Maranga: caracterización morfológica y composicional mediante Fluorescencia y Difracción de Rayos X
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Desde el Periodo Intermedio Temprano hasta el Período Horizonte Medio se popularizó
y extendió en los sitios Lima de los valles bajos de la costa central el uso de vasijas de un
alfar de cerámica de pasta marrón denominado alfar Marrón Doméstico Lima. En el caso
del sector H-31 de Maranga, así como otros sitios del valle del Rímac como Pucllana y
Cajamarquilla, se extendió el uso de un grupo específico de vasijas elaboradas con dicha
pasta, conformado principalmente por ollas pequeñas y tostadores. Estas vasijas
comparten las características de tener un uso doméstico exclusivo para la cocción de
alimentos, así como carecer de decoración. Factores como la composición de la pasta,
el repertorio morfológico y su uso especializado sugieren que la producción de dichas
vasijas no se dio en las zonas bajas del valle sino en comunidades del valle alto o medio.
Mediante el uso de técnicas arqueométricas como la Fluorescencia y Difracción de Rayos
X, se pudo caracterizar la composición química y mineralógica de la pasta marrón, lo que
permitió aproximarnos al origen de las arcillas del alfar. Asimismo, la presencia de estas
vasijas en los sitios Lima del valle bajo podría ser una consecuencia del estrechamiento
de las redes socioeconómicas entre comunidades del valle bajo y medio/alto. Las vasijas
de este alfar fueron un instrumento con un rol particular en esta interacción regional.
In the Central Coast, from the Early Intermediate to the Middle Horizon Period, umber color ware pottery (called alfar Marrón Doméstico Lima) became popular and widespread among different Lima culture complexes along the lower valleys. Field work was done in the H-31 sector, located in the Maranga Complex which resulted in the finding of a specific group of vessels, mainly ollas and bowls (tostadores). These vessels comprise mostly of cooking pots and lack decorative motives. Paste composition characteristics, together with unique cooking vessel shapes found in Maranga, suggest that production of these vessels was done by communities that lived in higher altitude areas along the valley. The use of archaeometry techniques methods like X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) enabled the study of the brown paste ware chemical and mineralogical characteristics, which brings us closer to identifying its provenance. In addition, the use of these vessels in Lima sites located at the lower valleys may be the consequence of greater inter-regional interaction between lower and middle valley communities. Marrón Doméstico Lima pottery vessels might have had a particular role in facilitating boundary crossing and social interaction between communities during The Late Lima Period.
In the Central Coast, from the Early Intermediate to the Middle Horizon Period, umber color ware pottery (called alfar Marrón Doméstico Lima) became popular and widespread among different Lima culture complexes along the lower valleys. Field work was done in the H-31 sector, located in the Maranga Complex which resulted in the finding of a specific group of vessels, mainly ollas and bowls (tostadores). These vessels comprise mostly of cooking pots and lack decorative motives. Paste composition characteristics, together with unique cooking vessel shapes found in Maranga, suggest that production of these vessels was done by communities that lived in higher altitude areas along the valley. The use of archaeometry techniques methods like X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) enabled the study of the brown paste ware chemical and mineralogical characteristics, which brings us closer to identifying its provenance. In addition, the use of these vessels in Lima sites located at the lower valleys may be the consequence of greater inter-regional interaction between lower and middle valley communities. Marrón Doméstico Lima pottery vessels might have had a particular role in facilitating boundary crossing and social interaction between communities during The Late Lima Period.
Lima, Cultura--Restos arqueológicos, Cerámica--Perú--Historia--Época prehispánica, Arqueología--Perú--Lima
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