Desarrollo del pensamiento crítico a partir de un taller de filosofía para niñas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tuvo por objetivo evaluar el efecto de un taller de filosofía para
niñas en el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico de estudiantes de 6to de primaria, de entre
10 y 13 años (M=11.07; DE=0.39), de una escuela pública. Para ello, se realizó un diseño
cuasi-experimental pretest-postest con un grupo experimental y un grupo control. Las
estudiantes del grupo experimental participaron de un taller de filosofía para niñas,
mientras que las estudiantes del grupo control no recibieron ningún tratamiento. Se aplicó
un cuestionario, elaborado específicamente para la investigación, antes y después de la
ejecución del taller. A modo de triangulación, se analizaron cualitativamente las
respuestas del grupo experimental. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente
significativas en el pensamiento crítico entre el grupo que participó del taller y aquel que
no participó en él, en favor del grupo experimental. Específicamente, se encontraron
diferencias significativas en la dimensión de Multiperspectividad, mas no en las
dimensiones de Planteamiento de problemas ni de Escepticismo reflexivo. Los resultados
cualitativos permitieron ampliar la comprensión de los resultados cuantitativos. La
investigación aporta evidencia en favor de la aplicación de talleres de filosofía para niños
con relación al desarrollo del pensamiento crítico, no obstante se identificaron
condiciones necesarias para que los talleres sean más efectivos. Finalmente, se discuten
las limitaciones del estudio, así como sugerencias para futuras investigaciones.
The present study was aimed to evaluate the effects of a philosophy workshop for girls on promoting the development of critical thinking in 6th grade public elementary school female student’s between 10 and 13 years old (M = 11.07, SD = 0.39). To achieve this aim, a pre-test-posttest quasi-experimental design was carried out with an experimental group and a control group. The students of the experimental group participated in a philosophy workshop for girls, while the students in the control group did not receive any treatment. A questionnaire was prepared specifically for the research and applied before and after the execution of the workshop. In order to triangulate the quantitative information, the responses of the experimental group were analyzed qualitatively. Significant differences were found between the group that participated in the workshop and the one that did not participate in it, in favor of the experimental group. Specifically, significant differences were found in the Multi-perspectivity dimension, but not in the dimensions of Problem Posing or Reflective Skepticism of crititcal thinking. Qualitative data served to broaden the understanding of the quantitative data. The results provide evidence in favor of the application of philosophy workshops for children in relation to the development of critical thinking, although necessary conditions were identified so that the workshops could be more effective. Finally, the limitations of the study are discussed, as well as suggestions for future research.
The present study was aimed to evaluate the effects of a philosophy workshop for girls on promoting the development of critical thinking in 6th grade public elementary school female student’s between 10 and 13 years old (M = 11.07, SD = 0.39). To achieve this aim, a pre-test-posttest quasi-experimental design was carried out with an experimental group and a control group. The students of the experimental group participated in a philosophy workshop for girls, while the students in the control group did not receive any treatment. A questionnaire was prepared specifically for the research and applied before and after the execution of the workshop. In order to triangulate the quantitative information, the responses of the experimental group were analyzed qualitatively. Significant differences were found between the group that participated in the workshop and the one that did not participate in it, in favor of the experimental group. Specifically, significant differences were found in the Multi-perspectivity dimension, but not in the dimensions of Problem Posing or Reflective Skepticism of crititcal thinking. Qualitative data served to broaden the understanding of the quantitative data. The results provide evidence in favor of the application of philosophy workshops for children in relation to the development of critical thinking, although necessary conditions were identified so that the workshops could be more effective. Finally, the limitations of the study are discussed, as well as suggestions for future research.
Filosofía--Estudio y enseñanza, Niños y filosofía
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