Construcción de la masculinidad en hombres adultos de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general explorar la construcción de la
masculinidad en hombres adultos que residen en Lima Metropolitana. Para ello, se llevaron a
cabo entrevistas semiestructuradas con cinco hombres adultos, indagando sobre diferentes
aspectos de la masculinidad. Se identificó que la masculinidad comprende elementos físicos
como las actividades deportivas, laborales y domésticas; así como la forma de comunicarse y
los temas de conversación. De manera específica, se encontró que los hombres tienden a
evitar mostrar vulnerabilidad y sus emociones en la interacción con otros hombres, así como
eludir temas de conversación más personales o profundos. También se reportaron agentes
socializadores de la masculinidad, destacando la presencia de un pacto patriarcal en las
relaciones entre hombres. Se identificaron dinámicas de masculinidad con otros hombres,
principalmente marcadas por la complicidad en grupos de varones, que sustentan diversos
mandatos masculinos dominantes y llegan a justificar la violencia ejercida contra las mujeres.
Se concluyó estableciendo que las perspectivas de los participantes sobre la masculinidad son
similares a las del modelo tradicional y que, si bien casi todos afirmaron estar desacuerdo con
este, en la mayoría de casos legitimaban una serie de actitudes y comportamientos
relacionados con este modelo.
The present research aimed to explore the construction of masculinity in adult men residing in Metropolitan Lima. To achieve this, semi-structured interviews were conducted with five adult men, probing into various aspects of masculinity. It was identified that masculinity encompasses physical elements, such as sporting, work, and domestic activities, as well as communication styles and conversation topics. Specifically, it was found that men tend to avoid displaying vulnerability and emotions in interactions with other men, as well as skirting around more personal or profound conversation topics. Additionally, socializing agents of masculinity were reported, highlighting the presence of a patriarchal pact in male relationships. Dynamics of masculinity with other men were identified, mainly characterized by complicity in male groups, which uphold various dominant masculine mandates and may even justify violence against women. It was concluded that participants' perspectives on masculinity are similar to those of the traditional model, and although almost all claimed to disagree with it, in most cases, they legitimized a series of attitudes and behaviors associated with this model.
The present research aimed to explore the construction of masculinity in adult men residing in Metropolitan Lima. To achieve this, semi-structured interviews were conducted with five adult men, probing into various aspects of masculinity. It was identified that masculinity encompasses physical elements, such as sporting, work, and domestic activities, as well as communication styles and conversation topics. Specifically, it was found that men tend to avoid displaying vulnerability and emotions in interactions with other men, as well as skirting around more personal or profound conversation topics. Additionally, socializing agents of masculinity were reported, highlighting the presence of a patriarchal pact in male relationships. Dynamics of masculinity with other men were identified, mainly characterized by complicity in male groups, which uphold various dominant masculine mandates and may even justify violence against women. It was concluded that participants' perspectives on masculinity are similar to those of the traditional model, and although almost all claimed to disagree with it, in most cases, they legitimized a series of attitudes and behaviors associated with this model.
Masculinidad--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Hombres--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Violencia contra la mujer--Perú--Lima Metropolitana
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