Plan estratégico de la empresa Unión Andina de Cementos (UNACEM)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente plan estratégico se ha desarrollado para la empresa Unión Andina de
Cementos SAA. (UNACEM) la cual cotiza en la Bolsa de Valores de Lima y con el objetivo
de que continúe expandiéndose y llegue a obtener un liderazgo en la región Pacífico Sur. Para
ello se utiliza la metodología del Proceso Estratégico, diseñada por D’Alessio (2013) y que
inicia con un análisis externo e interno, para proceder a definir objetivos de largo plazo y las
estrategias convenientes para lograr la visión propuesta.
UNACEM se dedica a la producción y comercialización de cemento, atendiendo al
centro del Perú, además de haber instalado una planta productora en el Ecuador y haber
comprado otra en Chile, lo cual se complementa con una nueva planta cementera en
Colombia, que para el año 2015 se encuentra en construcción. Dentro del Perú, el cemento de
UNACEM se comercializa a granel, así como también embolsado bajo distintas marcas,
siendo distribuido por ferreterías independientes y también a través de una red de ferreterías
propias, denominada Progre-Sol. Esto se complementa con la asesoría técnica que se brinda a
través de ingenieros civiles y con financiamiento, el cual es otorgado bajo el nombre de
Hatunsol, por una alianza estratégica con una entidad financiera.
Con la implementación de este plan estratégico se logrará el liderazgo de la empresa
en el Perú ampliándose a Ecuador, Colombia y Chile, para ser el mayor productor en toda la
región Pacífico Sur. Esto se logrará mediante la capacitación permanente del personal y la
penetración de mercados, creando en los países vecinos redes de distribución como la de
Progre-Sol y ofreciendo los servicios de financiamiento de Hatunsol. Para el año 2025,
UNACEM tendrá ventas por S/.2, 600 millones, con un 95% de sus clientes satisfechos,
generando una rentabilidad sobre patrimonio superior al 10%. Además, se contempla en la
visión ser una empresa socialmente responsable, contribuyendo a generar un impacto positivo
en su entorno y contribuyendo, a través de la asesoría, a que se construyan viviendas seguras
This strategic plan has been developed for Union Andina de Cementos S.A.A. (UNACEM) which is listed on the Lima Stock Exchange market, and it has been designed with the aim to continue expansion to become the leader in the South Pacific region. The used methodology is the strategy, designed by D'Alessio (2013) which begins with an external and internal analysis, to proceed to define long-term goals and strategies appropriate to achieve the proposed vision for 2025. UNACEM produces and distributes cement, take the center of Peru, besides having installed a production plant in Ecuador and have bought another one in Chile, which is complemented by a new cement plant in Colombia. Within Peru, UNACEM cement is sold in bulk, as well as bagging under different brands being distributed by independent hardware stores and also through a network of owned hardware stores, called Progre-Sol. This is complemented by the technical advice provided through civil engineers, that is granted under the name Hatunsol for a strategic alliance with a financial institution. Through the implementation of this strategic plan UNACEM will consolidate its leadership position in Peru and successfully expand to Ecuador, Colombia and Chile, becoming the largest cement producer along the South Pacific region. This will be achieved through continuous staff training and market penetration, creating in countries neighboring distribution networks like Progre-Sol and offering financing services through Hatunsol. For 2025, UNACEM will have S/. 2, 600 million sales, with 95% of satisfied customers, generating a return on equity above 10%. In addition, within the vision there is included to be a socially responsible company, helping to create a positive impact on the environment
This strategic plan has been developed for Union Andina de Cementos S.A.A. (UNACEM) which is listed on the Lima Stock Exchange market, and it has been designed with the aim to continue expansion to become the leader in the South Pacific region. The used methodology is the strategy, designed by D'Alessio (2013) which begins with an external and internal analysis, to proceed to define long-term goals and strategies appropriate to achieve the proposed vision for 2025. UNACEM produces and distributes cement, take the center of Peru, besides having installed a production plant in Ecuador and have bought another one in Chile, which is complemented by a new cement plant in Colombia. Within Peru, UNACEM cement is sold in bulk, as well as bagging under different brands being distributed by independent hardware stores and also through a network of owned hardware stores, called Progre-Sol. This is complemented by the technical advice provided through civil engineers, that is granted under the name Hatunsol for a strategic alliance with a financial institution. Through the implementation of this strategic plan UNACEM will consolidate its leadership position in Peru and successfully expand to Ecuador, Colombia and Chile, becoming the largest cement producer along the South Pacific region. This will be achieved through continuous staff training and market penetration, creating in countries neighboring distribution networks like Progre-Sol and offering financing services through Hatunsol. For 2025, UNACEM will have S/. 2, 600 million sales, with 95% of satisfied customers, generating a return on equity above 10%. In addition, within the vision there is included to be a socially responsible company, helping to create a positive impact on the environment
Cemento -- Industria y comercio -- Perú, Planificación estratégica
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