Factores predictores de la transgresión de las normas sanitarias durante la emergencia del Covid-19
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo describir y analizar la relación entre la transgresión de
las normas sanitarias dictadas en el contexto de la Covid-19 y los siguientes factores
psicosociales: ideología política, legitimidad, vulnerabilidad económica, tolerancia a la
transgresión normativa, riesgo de ser sancionado y riesgo de contagiarse con la Covid-19. La
muestra estuvo conformada por 279 residentes de Lima Metropolitana, con edades entre 18 y
77 años. Para la medición se elaboraron nueve escalas ad hoc y se utilizaron las escalas de
Autoritarismo de Ala Derecha (RWA) y Orientación a la Dominancia Social (SDO). Los
resultados revelaron que la transgresión normativa es entendida en un continuo con conductas
más y menos graves. Asimismo, se encontró que los tipos de transgresión de las normas
sanitarias que se consideraron menos graves, debido a que implicaban un menor riesgo de
propagación del virus, y aquellos relacionados con la motivación de acercarse a personas
significativas como familiares, pareja y amigos, pueden ser explicados por la orientación a la
dominancia social, así como elementos de la tolerancia a la transgresión normativa,
vulnerabilidad económica y el riesgo de contagiarse con la Covid-19. Igualmente, los
resultados aportaron sustento para la propuesta de conceptualización de la legitimidad
efectuada en el presente estudio, la cual comprende la percepción de estar obligado a cumplir
las normas y las actitudes hacia la autoridad.
The objective of this study was to describe and analyze the relationship between the transgression of health regulations issued in the context of Covid-19 and the following psychosocial factors: political ideology, legitimacy, economic vulnerability, tolerance of normative transgression, risk of being sanctioned and risk of contracting the Covid-19. The sample consisted of 279 residents of Metropolitan Lima, aged between 18 and 77 years. For measurement, nine ad hoc scales were developed, and the Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) and Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) scales were used. The results showed that normative transgression is understood as a continuum with behaviors that are perceived as more or less serious. Additionally, the types of transgression that are considered less serious, as they implied a lower risk of spreading the virus, and those related to the motivation to approach significant people such as family, partners and friends can be explained by the orientation towards social dominance, as well as elements of tolerance to normative transgression, economic vulnerability, and risk of being infected with Covid-19. Likewise, the results supported the conceptualization of legitimacy that was proposed in the present study, which includes the perception of being obliged to comply with the norms and the attitudes towards authority.
The objective of this study was to describe and analyze the relationship between the transgression of health regulations issued in the context of Covid-19 and the following psychosocial factors: political ideology, legitimacy, economic vulnerability, tolerance of normative transgression, risk of being sanctioned and risk of contracting the Covid-19. The sample consisted of 279 residents of Metropolitan Lima, aged between 18 and 77 years. For measurement, nine ad hoc scales were developed, and the Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) and Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) scales were used. The results showed that normative transgression is understood as a continuum with behaviors that are perceived as more or less serious. Additionally, the types of transgression that are considered less serious, as they implied a lower risk of spreading the virus, and those related to the motivation to approach significant people such as family, partners and friends can be explained by the orientation towards social dominance, as well as elements of tolerance to normative transgression, economic vulnerability, and risk of being infected with Covid-19. Likewise, the results supported the conceptualization of legitimacy that was proposed in the present study, which includes the perception of being obliged to comply with the norms and the attitudes towards authority.
COVID-19 (Enfermedad)--Impacto--Peru--Lima, Transgresión (Ética)--Aspectos psicológicos, Percepción de riesgo
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