Pintura, diseños y turismo para mejorar la calidad de vida : una aproximación al proyecto «Colores para Antioquía» desde el enfoque del desarrollo territorial
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
«Colores para Antioquía» fue un proyecto que nació con el objetivo de cambiarle
la cara a un pueblo estancado en una actividad económica que no rendía los frutos
necesarios para sacar a las familias locales del umbral de la pobreza. De esta
manera, mediante el pintado de las casas y de las principales edificaciones
públicas, se buscó convertir al pueblo de Espíritu Santo en un atractivo turístico
que incentive la llegada de turistas y así se dinamice la precaria economía local.
El objetivo central de esta tesis es analizar, utilizando los principales conceptos
del desarrollo territorial, la incidencia que ha tenida la actividad turística en
Antioquía para mejorar la calidad de vida de la población local.
A través de la evidencia recogida, ya sea por las entrevistas realizadas y las notas
tomadas durante los viajes de campo en el año 2017, se ha llegado a encontrar
tres hallazgos principales. Cada uno de estos hallazgos explican diferentes
aspectos relacionados a la calidad de vida. Contienen elementos positivos, pero
también dificultades que merecen la pena observar y resolver.
Cada uno de los tres hallazgos recogen las variables que los entrevistados
mencionaron durante las entrevistas realizadas. Así, en el primer hallazgo
reconocieron que su calidad de vida si ha sufrido un aumento positivo desde que
se implantó el proyecto, ya que aspectos como la educación, la alimentación
familiar, el acceso a los servicios básicos de agua y luz y el sentimiento de
pertenencia al lugar han mejorado. Sin embargo, también se pudo observar que
este crecimiento no se ha visto replicado en todo el pueblo de manera equilibrada.
En el segundo hallazgo se llegó a reconocer que gracias a la llegada del proyecto
el abanico de actividades económicas aumentó y que varias familias pudieron
realizar emprendimientos particulares para poder tener una fuente de ingreso
adicional a la actividad agrícola. Sin embargo, también se ha visto que existe un
temor por parte de un sector de la población en diversificar sus actividades
económicas. El efecto inmediato de esta situación es que la oferta de atractivos
turísticos de Antioquía es escasa y limitada. Finalmente, el tercer hallazgo demostró que a raíz del proyecto una serie de
actores locales se asociaron para formar una asociación que se encargue de
agrupar a las personas que presten algún tipo de servicio destinado al turista que
visita Antioquía. Sin embargo, esta asociación ha ido perdiendo presencia con el
paso del tiempo y son pocos los integrantes que la forman.
De esta manera, bajo la lupa del desarrollo territorial, esta tesis cumple con aportar
al campo de la Gerencia Social algunas estrategias con las cuales se busca que
el proyecto logre superar las dificultades que han ido surgiendo a lo largo de los
catorce años que ya tiene el proyecto implementado y para que se pueda sostener
en el tiempo con la finalidad de mejorar la calidad de vida de más personas.
"Colors for Antioquía" was a project that was born with the aim of changing the face of the local people stuck in an economic activity that did not yield the fruits needed to get local families out of poverty. In this way, by painting the houses and the main public buildings, we sought to convert the town of Espiritu Santo into a tourist attraction that encourages the arrival of tourists and thus stimulates the precarious local economy. The main objective of this thesis is to analyze, using the main concepts of territorial development, the impact that tourism activity has had in Antioquía to improve the quality of life of the local population. Through the evidence gathered, whether from the interviews conducted and the notes taken during the field trips in 2017, three main findings have been found. Each of these findings explains different aspects related to the quality of life. They contain positive elements, but also difficulties that are worth observing and solving. Each of the three findings includes the variables that the interviewees mentioned during the interviews. Thus, in the first finding they recognized that their quality of life has suffered a positive increase since the project was implemented, since aspects such as education, family feeding, access to basic water and light services and the feeling of belonging to the place have improved. However, it was also observed that this growth has not been replicated throughout the town in a balanced manner. In the second finding it was possible to recognize that thanks to the arrival of the project the range of economic activities increased and that several families were able to carry out private enterprises in order to have a source of additional income to the agricultural activity. However, it has also been seen that there is a fear on the part of a sector of the population to diversify their economic activities. The immediate effect of this situation is that the supply of tourist attractions in Antioquía is scarce and limited. Finally, the third finding showed that as a result of the project a series of local actors joined to form an association that is in charge of grouping people who provide some type of service for the tourist who visits Antioquía. However, this association has been losing its presence over time and there are few members that form it. In this way, under the magnitude of territorial development, this thesis fulfills contributing to the field of Social Management some strategies with which it is sought that the project manages to overcome the difficulties that have arisen during the fourteen years that it already has the project implemented and that can be sustained over time in order to improve the quality of life of more people.
"Colors for Antioquía" was a project that was born with the aim of changing the face of the local people stuck in an economic activity that did not yield the fruits needed to get local families out of poverty. In this way, by painting the houses and the main public buildings, we sought to convert the town of Espiritu Santo into a tourist attraction that encourages the arrival of tourists and thus stimulates the precarious local economy. The main objective of this thesis is to analyze, using the main concepts of territorial development, the impact that tourism activity has had in Antioquía to improve the quality of life of the local population. Through the evidence gathered, whether from the interviews conducted and the notes taken during the field trips in 2017, three main findings have been found. Each of these findings explains different aspects related to the quality of life. They contain positive elements, but also difficulties that are worth observing and solving. Each of the three findings includes the variables that the interviewees mentioned during the interviews. Thus, in the first finding they recognized that their quality of life has suffered a positive increase since the project was implemented, since aspects such as education, family feeding, access to basic water and light services and the feeling of belonging to the place have improved. However, it was also observed that this growth has not been replicated throughout the town in a balanced manner. In the second finding it was possible to recognize that thanks to the arrival of the project the range of economic activities increased and that several families were able to carry out private enterprises in order to have a source of additional income to the agricultural activity. However, it has also been seen that there is a fear on the part of a sector of the population to diversify their economic activities. The immediate effect of this situation is that the supply of tourist attractions in Antioquía is scarce and limited. Finally, the third finding showed that as a result of the project a series of local actors joined to form an association that is in charge of grouping people who provide some type of service for the tourist who visits Antioquía. However, this association has been losing its presence over time and there are few members that form it. In this way, under the magnitude of territorial development, this thesis fulfills contributing to the field of Social Management some strategies with which it is sought that the project manages to overcome the difficulties that have arisen during the fourteen years that it already has the project implemented and that can be sustained over time in order to improve the quality of life of more people.
Turismo--Perú--Huarochirí (Lima : Provinicia), Desarrollo sostenible, Desarrollo de la comunidad
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