Inserción en el mercado laboral de los egresados de la especialidad de Música de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo el análisis de la inserción laboral de los egresados
de la Especialidad de Música de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). El
marco teórico presentado, aborda el panorama de la empleabilidad desde la industria
musical, para luego centrarse en la carrera de música como profesión universitaria y su
proceso en la PUCP. Los ejes temáticos considerados en el análisis de este trabajo se
focalizan en: la inserción laboral actual de los egresados, empresas e instituciones donde
laboran, el rango de remuneraciones que perciben, los canales mediante los que se
enteran de las oportunidades laborales y los puestos laborales donde son ubicados con
mayor frecuencia. Los resultados obtenidos en el estudio, mediante un diagnóstico de la
situación presentada, permitirán encontrar vías de mejora y, así, proponer acciones que
aporten a incrementar la empleabilidad de los egresados de la Especialidad de Música de
la PUCP.
The goal of this study is to analyze the labor of insertion of the graduates of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). The theoretical framework presented, addresses the landscape of employability from the music industry, to then focus on the career of music as a university profession and its process in the PUCP. The thematic axes considered in the analysis of this work are focused on: the current labor insertion of the graduates, companies and institutions where they work, the range of remunerations they receive, the channels through which they find out about job opportunities and job positions where they are located most frequently. The results obtained in the study, by means of a diagnosis of the presented situation, will allow finding ways of improvement and, thus, to propose actions that contribute to increase the employability of the graduates of the Music Specialty of the PUCP.
The goal of this study is to analyze the labor of insertion of the graduates of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). The theoretical framework presented, addresses the landscape of employability from the music industry, to then focus on the career of music as a university profession and its process in the PUCP. The thematic axes considered in the analysis of this work are focused on: the current labor insertion of the graduates, companies and institutions where they work, the range of remunerations they receive, the channels through which they find out about job opportunities and job positions where they are located most frequently. The results obtained in the study, by means of a diagnosis of the presented situation, will allow finding ways of improvement and, thus, to propose actions that contribute to increase the employability of the graduates of the Music Specialty of the PUCP.
Mercado de trabajo--Perú--Profesionales, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú--Egresados, Música--Industria y comercio
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