Análisis de los factores que limitan la eficacia del proceso de distribución de Gas Natural en usuarios residenciales en el distrito de Chiclayo, provincia de Chiclayo, región Lambayeque, 2018-2020, en el marco del Proyecto de masificación del Gas Natural
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La presente investigación realiza un análisis de los factores que han limitado la eficiencia
en el servicio de distribución del gas natural residencial en la ciudad de Chiclayo durante
los tres primeros años de implementación del servicio (2018-2020), tomando en
consideración que esta surge de una política de estado, con la finalidad de promover la
masificación del gas natural aprovechando los recursos gasíferos de los que goza
nuestro país, en mérito a ello este proceso de transición energética que se inició en la
ciudad de Chiclayo desde finales del 2017, generó un cambio en los hábitos de consumo
energético en los hogares, que es propicio evaluar así como también la calidad del
servicio que reciben por parte de la empresa concesionaria y la intervención de los
diferentes actores sociales y agentes de gestión involucrados en el sistema de
distribución, para generar condiciones óptimas que favorezcan el cumplimiento de la
política, el logro de las metas establecidas por el estado y satisfacer la demanda de la
población que accede a este servicio.
La coyuntura política, social, económica y sanitaria de los últimos tres años, generó que
la población viera con mayor expectativa este servicio, sin embargo, los hallazgos dieron
cuenta de ciertas inconformidades de los usuarios y los agentes involucrados que vale
la pena analizar, pese a la existencia de toda una reglamentación establecida en el
marco legal, que favorece los procedimientos, pero en la práctica deja muchos
cuestionamientos y vacíos técnicos que deben tomarse en consideración.
Finalmente es preciso mencionar que la demanda por acceder al servicio de distribución
de gas natural por red de ductos creció durante el último año, esto obliga a la empresa
concesionaria Gases del Pacifico - QUAVII, al Ministerio de Energía y Minas, al
Organismo Regulador de Energía y Minería (OSINERGMIN) y a los gobiernos locales,
a generar espacios en la gestión, que faciliten el acceso al servicio de distribución de
gas natural, reduciendo los impactos y fortaleciendo los canales de atención al
ciudadano, mejorando la calidad en el servicio y contribuyendo a elevar la calidad de
vida de la población.
This research carries out an analysis of the factors that have limited the efficiency in the residential natural gas distribution service in the city of Chiclayo during the first three years of implementation (2018-2020), taking into consideration that it arises from a policy state, in order to promote the massification of natural gas taking advantage of the gas resources that our country enjoys, as a result of this, this energy transition process that began in the city of Chiclayo since the end of 2017, has generated a change in the consumption habits that it is appropriate to evaluate as well as the quality of the service that they have received from the concessionaire company and the intervention of the different social actors and management agents involved in the distribution system, to generate the conditions that favor the fulfillment of the policy, the achievement of the goals established by the state and to satisfy the demand of the population that accesses this service. The political, social, economic and health situation of the last year, generated that the population saw this service with greater expectation, however the findings revealed certain disagreements of the users and the agents involved that are worth analyzing, despite the existence of an entire regulation established in the legal framework, which favors procedures but in practice leaves many questions and technical gaps that must be taken into consideration. Finally, it is necessary to mention that the demand to access the natural gas distribution service through the pipeline network grew during this year, this forces the concessionaire “Gases del Pacifico” - QUAVII, the Ministry of Energy and Mines, the Energy Regulatory Body and Mining (OSINERGMIN) and local governments, to generate management spaces that facilitate access to the natural gas distribution service, reducing impacts and strengthening citizen service channels, improving service quality and contributing to raise the quality of life of the population.
This research carries out an analysis of the factors that have limited the efficiency in the residential natural gas distribution service in the city of Chiclayo during the first three years of implementation (2018-2020), taking into consideration that it arises from a policy state, in order to promote the massification of natural gas taking advantage of the gas resources that our country enjoys, as a result of this, this energy transition process that began in the city of Chiclayo since the end of 2017, has generated a change in the consumption habits that it is appropriate to evaluate as well as the quality of the service that they have received from the concessionaire company and the intervention of the different social actors and management agents involved in the distribution system, to generate the conditions that favor the fulfillment of the policy, the achievement of the goals established by the state and to satisfy the demand of the population that accesses this service. The political, social, economic and health situation of the last year, generated that the population saw this service with greater expectation, however the findings revealed certain disagreements of the users and the agents involved that are worth analyzing, despite the existence of an entire regulation established in the legal framework, which favors procedures but in practice leaves many questions and technical gaps that must be taken into consideration. Finally, it is necessary to mention that the demand to access the natural gas distribution service through the pipeline network grew during this year, this forces the concessionaire “Gases del Pacifico” - QUAVII, the Ministry of Energy and Mines, the Energy Regulatory Body and Mining (OSINERGMIN) and local governments, to generate management spaces that facilitate access to the natural gas distribution service, reducing impacts and strengthening citizen service channels, improving service quality and contributing to raise the quality of life of the population.
Gas natural--Distribución--Perú, Política energética--Perú, Servicios públicos--Administración--Perú