Sistema de Regulación y Participación en Fiscalización Ambiental (SIREFA) para enfrentar la reducida participación ciudadana en el proceso de producción normativa del Organismo de Evaluación y Fiscalización Ambiental - OEFA
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
El trabajo de investigación identifica un problema público que surge por una reducida
participación ciudadana en la emisión de observaciones, comentarios o sugerencias a los
proyectos normativos elaborados por el Organismo de Evaluación y Fiscalización Ambiental -
OEFA debido a que, durante el período del 2016 al 2019 se ha evidenciado que el número de
participantes efectivos no supera ni el 1 % de los participantes potenciales (administrados del
OEFA y EFA de nivel nacional, regional y local). Entre las principales causas del problema
público identificado se encuentra la ausencia de procedimientos claros y específicos, la falta de
conocimiento sobre las oportunidades para participar, así como una débil promoción de los
procesos de participación toda vez que, la ciudadanía interesada en temas de fiscalización
ambiental no cuenta con los canales idóneos ni recibe de manera oportuna la información
pertinente que les garantice su derecho constitucional a la participación. Para solucionar este
problema público se propone el diseño, creación e implementación de un Sistema de Regulación
y Participación en Fiscalización Ambiental (SIREFA), la cual elevaría la participación
ciudadana en la emisión de observaciones, comentarios o sugerencias a los proyectos
normativos elaborados por el OEFA. Este sistema es una herramienta tecnológica intuitiva que
cuenta con cuatro (4) componentes que le permite, tanto a las y los usuarios internos
(servidores(as) civiles del OEFA), así como a las y los usuarios externos (ciudadanía en
general), acceder a los textos en formato editable de los proyectos normativos y realizar los
aportes pertinentes, de manera fácil y rápida, generando de esta forma, buenas prácticas de
gestión pública en la categoría consulta y participación ciudadana, al constituirse en una de las
primeras plataformas de su naturaleza en América Latina y El Caribe. El prototipo del SIREFA
es un proyecto viable en su desarrollo e implementación toda vez que, garantiza el derecho a la
participación de la ciudadanía y, al mismo tiempo, se ha justificado que el SIREFA contaría con
viabilidad, deseabilidad y factibilidad debido a que, la propuesta se alinea al planeamiento
estratégico de la entidad para la mejora normativa y digitalización; y sobre todo se construye
sobre las experiencias de optimización de los procesos digitales para la participación de actores
clave de sus procesos.
The research work identifies a public problem that arises from a reduced citizen participation in the issuance of observations, comments or suggestions to the normative projects prepared by the Environmental Assessment and Enforcement Agency - OEFA because, during the period from 2016 to 2019 the number of effective participants does not exceed 1 % of potential participants. Among the main causes of the identified public problem is the absence of clear and specific procedures, the lack of knowledge about the opportunities to participate, as well as a weak promotion of the participation processes, since the citizens interested in environmental enforcement issues do not have the appropriate channels nor do them receive in a timely manner the pertinent information that guarantees its constitutional right to participation. To solve this public problem, the design, creation and implementation of a System of Regulation and Participation in Environmental Enforcement (SIREFA) is proposed, which would increase citizen participation in the issuance of observations, comments or suggestions to the normative projects prepared by the OEFA. This system is an intuitive technological tool that has four (4) components that allow internal as well as external users, to access the texts of the normative projects in editable format and allows them to register the observations, comments or pertinent suggestions, easily and quickly, thus generating good public management practices in the category of citizen consultation and participation, by becoming one of the first platforms of its kind in Latin America and the Caribbean. The SIREFA prototype is a viable project in its development and implementation since it guarantees the right to citizen participation, in a simple and fast way access to the texts of the normative projects, in editable format, justifying that the SIREFA has viability, desirability and feasibility because the proposal is aligned with the entity's strategic planning for regulatory improvement and digitization; and, above all, it is built on experiences of optimization of digital processes for the participation of key actors in their regulatory processes.
The research work identifies a public problem that arises from a reduced citizen participation in the issuance of observations, comments or suggestions to the normative projects prepared by the Environmental Assessment and Enforcement Agency - OEFA because, during the period from 2016 to 2019 the number of effective participants does not exceed 1 % of potential participants. Among the main causes of the identified public problem is the absence of clear and specific procedures, the lack of knowledge about the opportunities to participate, as well as a weak promotion of the participation processes, since the citizens interested in environmental enforcement issues do not have the appropriate channels nor do them receive in a timely manner the pertinent information that guarantees its constitutional right to participation. To solve this public problem, the design, creation and implementation of a System of Regulation and Participation in Environmental Enforcement (SIREFA) is proposed, which would increase citizen participation in the issuance of observations, comments or suggestions to the normative projects prepared by the OEFA. This system is an intuitive technological tool that has four (4) components that allow internal as well as external users, to access the texts of the normative projects in editable format and allows them to register the observations, comments or pertinent suggestions, easily and quickly, thus generating good public management practices in the category of citizen consultation and participation, by becoming one of the first platforms of its kind in Latin America and the Caribbean. The SIREFA prototype is a viable project in its development and implementation since it guarantees the right to citizen participation, in a simple and fast way access to the texts of the normative projects, in editable format, justifying that the SIREFA has viability, desirability and feasibility because the proposal is aligned with the entity's strategic planning for regulatory improvement and digitization; and, above all, it is built on experiences of optimization of digital processes for the participation of key actors in their regulatory processes.
Organismo de Evaluación y Fiscalización Ambiental (Perú), Política ambiental--Perú, Medio ambiente--Administración pública--Control--Perú, Administración ambiental--Perú--Participación ciudadana
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