Concepciones que poseen los docentes de primaria de una institución educativa pública de Lima sobre la cultura y el abordaje de los saberes culturales en el aula
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El estudio de las concepciones docentes ha adquirido mayor relevancia en los últimos
años dada su significativa influencia en las prácticas del aula. Sin embargo, las
concepciones docentes en relación a la cultura y los saberes culturales de los
estudiantes han sido muy poco indagadas, pese a que el Perú es un país pluricultural
y, en las últimas décadas, se sigue registrando un creciente flujo migratorio tanto
interno como proveniente de otros países. En ese sentido, esta investigación
cualitativa y de tipo descriptiva tiene como foco las concepciones docentes sobre
cultura y abordaje de saberes culturales en el aula. Para ello, se plantearon 2
objetivos: identificar en el discurso de los docentes los significados, creencias y
representaciones sobre cultura; e identificar en el discurso de las docentes los
significados, creencias y representaciones sobre qué saberes culturales abordan en
el aula. Las fuentes de información la conformaron 6 docentes de primaria
pertenecientes a una institución educativa pública de Lima. Para el recojo de la
información se utilizó una encuesta y una entrevista semiestructurada. La
investigación mostró que las docentes no poseen una sola manera de mirar a la
cultura, por el contrario, sus concepciones son complejas y poseen rasgos de los
siguientes grupos establecidos: la cultura entendida como folklore y patrimonio, la
cultura entendida como prácticas cotidianas y la cultura entendida como factor para la
transformación social. Asimismo, se evidenció que las docentes priorizan abordar los
saberes culturales visibles de sus estudiantes frente a los saberes profundos.
The study of teachers’ conceptions has become more relevant in recent years given its significant influence on classroom practices. However, teachers’ conceptions in relation to the culture and the cultural knowledge of the students have been very little investigated, despite the fact that Peru is a multicultural country and, in recent decades, a growing migratory flow continues to be registered, both nationally and internationally. In this sense, this qualitative and descriptive research focuses on teachers’ conceptions about culture and approach to cultural knowledge in the classroom. To do this, 2 objectives were set: to identify the meanings, beliefs and representations about culture in the teachers' discourse; and to identify in the discourse of the teachers the meanings, beliefs and representations about what cultural knowledge they address in the classroom. The information sources were made up of 6 primary school teachers who belong to a public school in Lima. To collect the information, a survey and a semistructured interview were used. The research showed that teachers do not have a single way of looking at culture, on the contrary, their conceptions are complex and have traits of the following established groups: culture understood as folklore and heritage, culture understood as daily practices and culture understood as a factor for social transformation. Likewise, it was evidenced that teachers prioritize addressing the visible cultural knowledge of their students over deep knowledge.
The study of teachers’ conceptions has become more relevant in recent years given its significant influence on classroom practices. However, teachers’ conceptions in relation to the culture and the cultural knowledge of the students have been very little investigated, despite the fact that Peru is a multicultural country and, in recent decades, a growing migratory flow continues to be registered, both nationally and internationally. In this sense, this qualitative and descriptive research focuses on teachers’ conceptions about culture and approach to cultural knowledge in the classroom. To do this, 2 objectives were set: to identify the meanings, beliefs and representations about culture in the teachers' discourse; and to identify in the discourse of the teachers the meanings, beliefs and representations about what cultural knowledge they address in the classroom. The information sources were made up of 6 primary school teachers who belong to a public school in Lima. To collect the information, a survey and a semistructured interview were used. The research showed that teachers do not have a single way of looking at culture, on the contrary, their conceptions are complex and have traits of the following established groups: culture understood as folklore and heritage, culture understood as daily practices and culture understood as a factor for social transformation. Likewise, it was evidenced that teachers prioritize addressing the visible cultural knowledge of their students over deep knowledge.
Cultura--Estudio y enseñanza, Identidad cultural, Personal docente, Educación primaria--Investigaciones
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