La información relevante en los Smart TV: una mirada desde la predictibilidad y motivación en las Resoluciones de Indecopi
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente informe analiza el caso de la Resolución N° 2672-2023/SPC emitida
por el Tribunal de Indecopi, en contraste con la Resolución N° 3341-2023/SPC.
Ambas resoluciones abordan la información relevante dentro de la venta de los
Smart TV, centrándose en si los proveedores deben incluir detalles técnicos
como la memoria RAM, memoria de almacenamiento, procesador y sistema
operativo. Mientras que en la primera resolución se consideraron aspectos
esenciales para el cumplimiento del deber de información de los proveedores,
en la segunda se declaró infundada la denuncia, bajo la argumentación de que
dichos detalles no son relevantes para el consumidor.
El informe emplea instrumentos normativos como el Código de Protección y
Defensa del Consumidor, la Ley 27444 y sentencias del Tribunal Constitucional,
destacando principios como la predictibilidad y la motivación adecuada en actos
administrativos. También enfatiza que el deber de información debe ajustarse a
la evolución tecnológica, reconociendo las especificaciones técnicas como clave
para una decisión informada en productos complejos como los Smart TV.
Por último, las conclusiones subrayan la inconsistencia del Tribunal al modificar
su criterio sin una motivación suficiente, afectando la legitimidad en las
resoluciones administrativas. Asimismo, se señala que esta falta de
predictibilidad perjudica tanto a consumidores como a proveedores, generando
inseguridad jurídica. Finalmente, el informe sugiere que este caso podría
resolverse a través de un proceso contencioso administrativo para cuestionar la
validez de la resolución.
The present report analyzes the case of Resolution No. 2672-2023/SPC issued by Indecopi’s Tribunal, in contrast with Resolution No. 3341-2023/SPC. Both resolutions address the relevance of information in the sale of Smart TVs, focusing on whether providers must include technical details such as RAM, storage capacity, processor, and operating system. While the first resolution deemed these aspects essential to fulfill providers duty of information, the second dismissed the complaint, arguing that such details are not relevant to consumers. The report employs legal instruments such as the Consumer Protection and Defense Code, Law No. 27444, and Constitutional Court rulings, highlighting principles like predictability and adequate reasoning in administrative decisions. It also emphasizes that the duty of information must adapt to technological advancements, recognizing technical specifications as key to informed decisionmaking for complex products like Smart TVs. Finally, the conclusions underscore the Tribunal's inconsistency in changing its criteria without sufficient justification, undermining the legitimacy of administrative resolutions. Furthermore, the report points out that this lack of predictability harms both consumers and providers, creating legal uncertainty. The report suggests that this case might be resolved through an administrative litigation process to challenge the resolution's validity.
The present report analyzes the case of Resolution No. 2672-2023/SPC issued by Indecopi’s Tribunal, in contrast with Resolution No. 3341-2023/SPC. Both resolutions address the relevance of information in the sale of Smart TVs, focusing on whether providers must include technical details such as RAM, storage capacity, processor, and operating system. While the first resolution deemed these aspects essential to fulfill providers duty of information, the second dismissed the complaint, arguing that such details are not relevant to consumers. The report employs legal instruments such as the Consumer Protection and Defense Code, Law No. 27444, and Constitutional Court rulings, highlighting principles like predictability and adequate reasoning in administrative decisions. It also emphasizes that the duty of information must adapt to technological advancements, recognizing technical specifications as key to informed decisionmaking for complex products like Smart TVs. Finally, the conclusions underscore the Tribunal's inconsistency in changing its criteria without sufficient justification, undermining the legitimacy of administrative resolutions. Furthermore, the report points out that this lack of predictability harms both consumers and providers, creating legal uncertainty. The report suggests that this case might be resolved through an administrative litigation process to challenge the resolution's validity.
Protección del consumidor--Legislación--Perú, Protección del consumidor--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Consumidores--Protección--Derecho