Implementación y medición de un sistema cuántico abierto con la dinámica “Dephasing Channel” en la base de caminos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Las base de las tecnologías cuánticas que se proponen hoy en día se basan en la característica de superposición de estados, la cual se presenta como un fenómeno de interferencia, y que da lugar a lo que se conoce como coherencia; no obstante al estar un sistema en contacto con un entorno se produce el fenómeno de decoherencia, lo que conlleva a una pérdida de la información que se quería almacenar, es decir las coherencias, no obstante existen procesos en los que se pueden recuperar la información, estos procesos son llamados no-markovianos. En el presente trabajo hacemos un estudio sobre un sistema cuántico con una dinámica específica, llamada "Dephasing Channel", se usa una medida de coherencia para asegurarnos que trabajamos con un proceso no-markoviano y armamos un arreglo óptico en donde la mencionada dinámica está plasmada en el espacio de Hilbert de caminos. Para la realización de las medidas del experimento, encontramos un método análogo a los parámetros de Stokes en polarización, pero en la base de caminos.
The basis of the quantum technologies that are proposed nowadays are based on the characteristic of superposition of the quantum states, which is presented as an interference phenomenon, and which gives rise to what is known as coherence; however, when a system is in contact with an environment, the phenomenon of decoherence occurs, which leads to a loss of the information that was wanted to be stored, that is the coherence, however, there are processes in which information can be retrieved, these processes are called non-Markovians. In the present work, we make a study about a quantum system with a specific dynamics, called "Dephasing Channel", we use a measure of coherence to make sure that we work with a non-Markovian process and we assembled an optical arrangement where the aforementioned dynamics are embodied in the Hilbert space of paths. For the realization of the measurements of the experiment, we find a method analogous to Stokes parameters in polarization, but at the base of roads.
The basis of the quantum technologies that are proposed nowadays are based on the characteristic of superposition of the quantum states, which is presented as an interference phenomenon, and which gives rise to what is known as coherence; however, when a system is in contact with an environment, the phenomenon of decoherence occurs, which leads to a loss of the information that was wanted to be stored, that is the coherence, however, there are processes in which information can be retrieved, these processes are called non-Markovians. In the present work, we make a study about a quantum system with a specific dynamics, called "Dephasing Channel", we use a measure of coherence to make sure that we work with a non-Markovian process and we assembled an optical arrangement where the aforementioned dynamics are embodied in the Hilbert space of paths. For the realization of the measurements of the experiment, we find a method analogous to Stokes parameters in polarization, but at the base of roads.
Coherencia (Física), Física nuclear, Teoría cuántica, Óptica cuántica
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