Programa de empoderamiento y de igualdad de género, con enfoque múltiple y participativo para los adolescentes de 15 a 19 años de ambos géneros para enfrentar el embarazo adolescente en Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
En el Perú, el embarazo adolescente es un problema endémico que en más de 30 años
no ha perdido intensidad. Es más, hubo un retroceso importante ya que la tasa de
embarazo era en de 11% en 1991 y hoy es de 13% a nivel nacional. En el periodo 2016-
2017, los casos de embarazo adolescente se incrementaron en Lima Metropolitana de
6% a 10%, según la Endes 2017.
Según la literatura, las causas del embarazo adolescente son múltiples y responden a
diferentes problemas. En el Perú se atacan muchas de estas causas principalmente
desde el Minedu, MIMP y MINSA, pero ninguna de sus estrategias y programas incluye
el empoderamiento de las adolescentes. Por ello es que se optó por dirigir la innovación
en un aspecto que no está siendo abordado por ninguna política pública, pero que puede
potenciar las que actualmente están siendo implementadas: que es el empoderamiento
de la mujer adolescente, para darle el poder necesario y las habilidades requeridas para
poder elegir y tomar buenas decisiones.
Para ello se ha planteado el Programa de Empoderamiento y de Igualdad de Género,
como un medio para darle a las adolescentes las herramientas necesarias para hacer
frente a la desigualdad de poder que está limitando su derecho de elegir. Nuestra
innovación contempla un Programa con tres componentes: un Taller de Desarrollo de
Habilidades como medio de prevención; un Sistema de Red de apoyo como medio de
intervención; y una Red de Socios en Recuperación.
El Taller de Desarrollo de Habilidades contempla dos currículos distintos para hombres
y mujeres. Ello responde a la naturaleza misma del concepto de empoderamiento. Las
mujeres aprenderán habilidades orientadas a empoderarlas y evitar que sean
engañadas o sometidas, ellas deben ser capaces de reconocer que las faltas de respeto
hacia las mujeres son consecuencia de un desbalance de poder en nuestra sociedad.
Entre estas habilidades están destrezas mentales, verbales y físicas, así como qué
significa la igualdad de género y cómo hacerse respetar. Aprenderán habilidades de
auto eficacia, empoderamiento, asertividad, respeto del espacio personal, aprender a
decir no y el “poder de tu voz”, que implica ejercicios verbales. Los hombres, por su lado,
serán capacitados para tener consciencia del peligro que constituye la violación, los
prejuicios que están detrás, qué significa consentimiento y cuál es su responsabilidad
frente a estos hechos. Se busca motivar su rol protector hacia las mujeres a través de
los conocimientos de masculinidad positiva, y de su actitud de coraje para defender lo
In Peru, teenage pregnancy is an endemic problem that in more than 30 years has not lost intensity. What's more, there was a significant setback since the pregnancy rate was 11% in 1991 and today it is 13% nationwide. In the 2016-2017 period, adolescent pregnancy cases increased in Lima Metropolitana from 6% to 10%, according to ENDES 2017. According to the literature, the causes of pregnancy are multiple and respond to different problems. In Peru, many of these causes are faced from Minedu, MIMP and MINSA, but none of their strategies and programs include the empowerment of adolescent girls. That is why the innovation was oriented in an aspect that is not being addressed by any public policy, but that can enhance those that are currently being implemented: the empowerment of adolescent girl, to give them the necessary power and skills required to be able to choose and make good decisions. For this purpose, the Gender Empowerment and Equality Program has been proposed, as a means to give adolescent girls the necessary tools to face the inequality of power that is limiting their right to choose. Our innovation includes a Program with three components: a Skills Development Workshop as a means of prevention; a Support Network System as a means of intervention; and a Network of Partners in Recovery. The Skills Development Workshop includes two different curricula for men and women. This responds to the very nature of the concept of empowerment. Women will learn skills aimed at empowering them and preventing them from being deceived or sometimes, they must be able to recognize that disrespect towards women is the consequence of an imbalance of power in our society. These skills include mental, verbal and physical skills, as well as what gender equality means and how to be respected. They will learn skills of self-efficacy, empowerment, assertiveness, respect for personal space, learning to say no and the "power of your voice", which involves verbal exercises. Men, for their part, will be trained to become aware of the danger that rape constitutes, the prejudices that lie behind it, what consent means and what his responsibility is for these events. It seeks to motivate his protective role towards women through the knowledge of positive masculinity, and his courageous attitude to defend what is right.
In Peru, teenage pregnancy is an endemic problem that in more than 30 years has not lost intensity. What's more, there was a significant setback since the pregnancy rate was 11% in 1991 and today it is 13% nationwide. In the 2016-2017 period, adolescent pregnancy cases increased in Lima Metropolitana from 6% to 10%, according to ENDES 2017. According to the literature, the causes of pregnancy are multiple and respond to different problems. In Peru, many of these causes are faced from Minedu, MIMP and MINSA, but none of their strategies and programs include the empowerment of adolescent girls. That is why the innovation was oriented in an aspect that is not being addressed by any public policy, but that can enhance those that are currently being implemented: the empowerment of adolescent girl, to give them the necessary power and skills required to be able to choose and make good decisions. For this purpose, the Gender Empowerment and Equality Program has been proposed, as a means to give adolescent girls the necessary tools to face the inequality of power that is limiting their right to choose. Our innovation includes a Program with three components: a Skills Development Workshop as a means of prevention; a Support Network System as a means of intervention; and a Network of Partners in Recovery. The Skills Development Workshop includes two different curricula for men and women. This responds to the very nature of the concept of empowerment. Women will learn skills aimed at empowering them and preventing them from being deceived or sometimes, they must be able to recognize that disrespect towards women is the consequence of an imbalance of power in our society. These skills include mental, verbal and physical skills, as well as what gender equality means and how to be respected. They will learn skills of self-efficacy, empowerment, assertiveness, respect for personal space, learning to say no and the "power of your voice", which involves verbal exercises. Men, for their part, will be trained to become aware of the danger that rape constitutes, the prejudices that lie behind it, what consent means and what his responsibility is for these events. It seeks to motivate his protective role towards women through the knowledge of positive masculinity, and his courageous attitude to defend what is right.
Embarazo en adolescente--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Madres adolescentes--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Adolescentes--Salud reproductiva--Perú--Lima Metropolitana