La independencia funcional del organismo supervisor de la gestión de las universidades como garantía estatal del derecho constitucional a una educación de calidad
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La educación constituye un derecho fundamental que requiere protección
constitucional y atención prioritaria del Estado tanto en la elaboración de políticas
públicas, como para estructurar eficientes mecanismos de control en la gestión
pública contando para ello el soporte que deben brindar los organismos
reguladores orientados a mejorar la calidad de los servicios educativos. Un
organismo supervisor debe proyectar confianza en la sociedad sobretodo en un
contexto de institucionalidad débil que socava la pretensión del Estado de
incorporarse al exclusivo club de la OCDE donde existen estándares mínimos de
indicadores socioeconómicos. El objetivo del presente artículo es demostrar que
la independencia funcional del organismo supervisor de la educación
universitaria es determinante para mejorar la calidad de la educación. Este
análisis sistemático se realiza tomando en consideración a la Constitución, la
jurisprudencia constitucional y los tratados internacionales. Asimismo, se realiza
un análisis comparativo de la gestión de la educación universitaria en otros 4
países pertenecientes a la OCDE, 2 de ellos de la región y otros 2 de la
comunidad europea por lo que constituye una referencia importante teniendo en
consideración que el Perú tiene la intención manifiesta de pertenecer a esta
organización. Finalmente se concluye que los funcionarios asignados a los
organismos supervisores de la educación superior universitaria pueden o no
estar vinculados académicamente con las universidades, pero cuentan con
límites al ejercicio de su gestión para que actúen con absoluta independencia e
imparcialidad, lo cual va a permitir afianzar la gobernanza y la institucionalidad
de los organismos públicos.
Education constitutes a fundamental right that requires constitutional protection and priority attention from the State both in the development of public policies and in structuring efficient control mechanisms in public management, counting on the support that regulators organism must provide aimed at improving quality. of educational services. A supervisor organism must project trust in society, especially in a context of weak institutionality that undermines the State's intention to join the exclusive OECD club where there are minimum standards for socioeconomic indicators. The objective of this article is to demonstrate that the functional independence of the supervisor organism of university education is decisive in improving the quality of education. This systematic analysis is carried out taking into consideration the Constitution, constitutional jurisprudence and internacional treaties. Likewise, a comparative analysis of the management of university education is carried out in 4 other countries belonging to the OECD, 2 of them from the region and another 2 from the European community, which constitutes an important reference taking into consideration that Peru has the manifest intention of belonging to this organization. Finally, it is concluded that the officials assigned to the supervisor organism of university higher education may or may not be academically linked to the universities, but they have limits on the exercise of their management so that they act with absolute independence and impartiality, which will allow them to strengthen the governance and institutionality of public organizations.
Education constitutes a fundamental right that requires constitutional protection and priority attention from the State both in the development of public policies and in structuring efficient control mechanisms in public management, counting on the support that regulators organism must provide aimed at improving quality. of educational services. A supervisor organism must project trust in society, especially in a context of weak institutionality that undermines the State's intention to join the exclusive OECD club where there are minimum standards for socioeconomic indicators. The objective of this article is to demonstrate that the functional independence of the supervisor organism of university education is decisive in improving the quality of education. This systematic analysis is carried out taking into consideration the Constitution, constitutional jurisprudence and internacional treaties. Likewise, a comparative analysis of the management of university education is carried out in 4 other countries belonging to the OECD, 2 of them from the region and another 2 from the European community, which constitutes an important reference taking into consideration that Peru has the manifest intention of belonging to this organization. Finally, it is concluded that the officials assigned to the supervisor organism of university higher education may or may not be academically linked to the universities, but they have limits on the exercise of their management so that they act with absolute independence and impartiality, which will allow them to strengthen the governance and institutionality of public organizations.
Educación superior y Estado--Perú, Educación superior--Aspectos administrativos--Perú, Educación superior--Evaluación--Perú