“Nuestras historias de valentía”: participación comunitaria de mujeres durante el CAI y posconflicto en una comunidad campesina ayacuchana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Esta investigación busca comprender cómo se desarrolló la participación comunitaria
de las mujeres de una comunidad de Ayacucho afectada por el conflicto armado interno (CAI)
y cuál fue el impacto de este en su participación. El estudio es de tipo cualitativo y las
participantes fueron ocho mujeres de la comunidad campesina de Cabana. Los criterios de
inclusión fueron haber vivido en su comunidad al menos desde el período del CAI hasta la
actualidad y que sean o hayan sido parte de algún espacio de participación comunitaria
durante sus vidas. Como técnica principal de producción de conocimiento se empleó la
entrevista individual, que se complementó con la observación participante y el diario de
campo. En los aspectos éticos, fue fundamental la ética de la relación con las participantes,
partiendo de procesos de familiarización y participación, como transversales a todo el estudio.
A nivel de resultados y conclusiones, las historias de participación comunitaria de las mujeres
cabaninas durante el CAI evidencian el rol fundamental que desempeñaron en la defensa de
su comunidad en los comités de autodefensa (CAD). Si bien la situación de emergencia que
representó el CAI permitió una flexibilidad transitoria en los roles tradicionalmente asignados
a las mujeres, luego de este período no hubo cambios estructurales que permitieran impulsar
su posterior participación comunitaria en otros espacios. Así, las actuales oportunidades para
la participación comunitaria de las cabaninas en el ámbito político y programas estatales son
aún limitadas, ubicándose dentro de los límites de las jerarquías de raza y género que
predominan en la comunidad y en la sociedad más amplia.
This research aims to understand the impact of the internal armed conflict (IAC) on the community participation of women from a campesino community in Ayacucho. In this qualitative study eight women from the campesino community of Cabana participated. The main criteria to participate were having lived in their community at least from the IAC period to the present and having some experience of community participation during their lives. Individual interviews were conducted; participant observation and field notes were used as complementary techniques. Regarding ethical aspects, a relational ethics with the participants was fundamental, and was based on the familiarization with them and participation they had throughout the study. As results and conclusions, the stories of community participation of Cabanina women during the IAC show the fundamental role they played in the defense of their community through the self-defense committees (SDC). Although the IAC allowed for a transitory flexibility in the roles traditionally assigned to women, after this period there were no structural changes to promote community participation of women in other spaces. Thus, the current opportunities for community participation of the Cabanina women in the political sphere and state programs are still limited, and they are restricted within limits of the racial and gendered hierarchies that predominate in the community and the broader society. Key words: community participation of women, peasant community, internal armed conflict.
This research aims to understand the impact of the internal armed conflict (IAC) on the community participation of women from a campesino community in Ayacucho. In this qualitative study eight women from the campesino community of Cabana participated. The main criteria to participate were having lived in their community at least from the IAC period to the present and having some experience of community participation during their lives. Individual interviews were conducted; participant observation and field notes were used as complementary techniques. Regarding ethical aspects, a relational ethics with the participants was fundamental, and was based on the familiarization with them and participation they had throughout the study. As results and conclusions, the stories of community participation of Cabanina women during the IAC show the fundamental role they played in the defense of their community through the self-defense committees (SDC). Although the IAC allowed for a transitory flexibility in the roles traditionally assigned to women, after this period there were no structural changes to promote community participation of women in other spaces. Thus, the current opportunities for community participation of the Cabanina women in the political sphere and state programs are still limited, and they are restricted within limits of the racial and gendered hierarchies that predominate in the community and the broader society. Key words: community participation of women, peasant community, internal armed conflict.
Participación social--Perú--Ayacucho, Conflicto armado--Perú--Ayacucho, Violencia política--Perú--Ayacucho
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