La eximente de responsabilidad por subsanación voluntaria en el derecho publicitario
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Mediante el presente trabajo se busca abordar la naturaleza de la eximente de
responsabilidad por subsanación voluntaria existente en el derecho administrativo, para
analizar su aplicación en el derecho publicitario. Se ha podido advertir que esta
eximente reviste cierta complejidad para su aplicación en esta subrama del derecho,
siendo que en su mayoría ha sido denegada cuando fue solicitada en casos recientes,
vistos por el Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la
Propiedad Intelectual - INDECOPI. Es por ello que se busca analizar qué requisitos son
exigidos y habría que ser cumplidos para su aplicación en el derecho publicitario, si
ello es en efecto posible en la práctica y si tal tratamiento es adecuado. Ello, con la
finalidad de brindar mayores luces a la autoridad como aplicadores del derecho, a los
proveedores y a los consumidores, a efectos de conocer esta figura y poder analizar su
posibilidad de empleo en estrategias legales.
This paper seeks to address the nature of the exemption from liability for voluntary amendment existing in administrative law, in order to analyze its application in advertising law. It has been noticed that this exemption has a certain complexity for its application in this subspecialty of the law, being that most of it has been denied when it was requested in recent cases, seen by the National Institute for the Defense of Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property - INDECOPI. That is why we seek to analyze what requirements are demanded and would have to be fulfilled for its application in advertising law, if this is indeed possible to be apply in practice and if such treatment is adequate. The purpose of this is to provide more light to the authorities as law enforcers, suppliers and consumers, in order to know this figure and be able to analyze the possibility of using it in legal strategies.
This paper seeks to address the nature of the exemption from liability for voluntary amendment existing in administrative law, in order to analyze its application in advertising law. It has been noticed that this exemption has a certain complexity for its application in this subspecialty of the law, being that most of it has been denied when it was requested in recent cases, seen by the National Institute for the Defense of Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property - INDECOPI. That is why we seek to analyze what requirements are demanded and would have to be fulfilled for its application in advertising law, if this is indeed possible to be apply in practice and if such treatment is adequate. The purpose of this is to provide more light to the authorities as law enforcers, suppliers and consumers, in order to know this figure and be able to analyze the possibility of using it in legal strategies.
Protección del consumidor--Perú, Responsabilidad administrativa--Perú, Competencia desleal--Perú, Derecho administrativo--Perú, Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual (Perú)