Comparación de modelos de predicción de retornos accionarios en el mercado de capitales peruano: CAPM, Fama y French y Reward Beta
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo se basa en el análisis y comparación de modelos de predicción
de retornos accionarios aplicados a acciones que coticen en la Bolsa de Valores de Lima,
con el objetivo de identificar cuál se adecúa mejor al mercado de capitales peruano; dicha
comparación es realizada bajo un procedimiento de formación de portafolios (Fama y
French, 1992), adaptado a los modelos evaluados (Bornholt, 2006), en donde se aplica un
método de contraste econométrico (Fama y MacBeth, 1973) a cada una de las alternativas
Los modelos comparados en este trabajo son el Capital Asset Pricing Model, en
adelante CAPM (Sharpe, 1964), el modelo de tres factores de Fama y French, en adelante
modelo de Fama y French (Fama y French, 1992) y el modelo Reward Beta (Bornholt,
2006). A partir del análisis desarrollado, en el periodo del 2010 al 2019, se concluyó que el
modelo predictivo de retornos accionarios con los mejores resultados para el mercado de
capitales peruano fue el modelo de Fama y French.
The present investigation is based on the analysis and comparison of different asset pricing models applied to stocks traded in the Lima Stock Exchange, with the objective of identifying the one that fits better for the peruvian stock market; this comparison is made under a procedure of composing investment portfolios (Fama & French, 1992), and adapted to the assessed models (Bornholt, 2006), where an econometric approach is applied (Fama & MacBeth, 1973) to each one of the proposed alternatives. The models compared in this research work are the Capital Asset Pricing Model, from now on CAPM, the Fama & French Three Factor Model, from now on Fama&French Model (Fama&French, 1992) and the Reward Beta Model (Bornholt, 2006). From the developed analysis, made with a sample of the period from 2010 to 2019, it was found that the asset pricing model that has the greatest statistics for the peruvian capital market is the Fama & French model.
The present investigation is based on the analysis and comparison of different asset pricing models applied to stocks traded in the Lima Stock Exchange, with the objective of identifying the one that fits better for the peruvian stock market; this comparison is made under a procedure of composing investment portfolios (Fama & French, 1992), and adapted to the assessed models (Bornholt, 2006), where an econometric approach is applied (Fama & MacBeth, 1973) to each one of the proposed alternatives. The models compared in this research work are the Capital Asset Pricing Model, from now on CAPM, the Fama & French Three Factor Model, from now on Fama&French Model (Fama&French, 1992) and the Reward Beta Model (Bornholt, 2006). From the developed analysis, made with a sample of the period from 2010 to 2019, it was found that the asset pricing model that has the greatest statistics for the peruvian capital market is the Fama & French model.
Mercado de capitales--Perú, Bolsa de Valores de Lima