Factores de Intención de Rotación Laboral en Personal de Enfermería de una Clínica Peruana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La rotación laboral voluntaria es una de las mayores problemáticas organizacionales en
el Perú, la cual está precedida por una intención o plan del empleado de abandonar la
organización (Mobley et al., 1978; Hausknecht et al., 2009). Esta variable es
especialmente un problema en el rubro salud, ya que repercute considerablemente en la
calidad de servicio de los pacientes. Si bien existen investigaciones internacionales que
han estudiado algunas variables asociadas a la intención de rotación en personal de
enfermería, no hay un consenso entre estos factores y en el contexto peruano no existen
estudios en este rubro. Por este motivo, el presente estudio busca identificar los factores
de intención de rotación en el personal de enfermería de una clínica peruana desde una
perspectiva émica, mediante un diseño mixto conformado por entrevistas
semiestructuradas y la aplicación de una escala. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 40
participantes para la fase cualitativa y 102 participantes para la fase cuantitativa. El
análisis factorial exploratorio encontró tres factores: “Incomprensión, inflexibilidad y
maltrato de jefes y otros trabajadores”, “Falta de apoyo organizacional asociado al
incumplimiento legal y ausencia de recursos de trabajo” y “Trabajo demandante asociado
a la sobrecarga laboral, clientes difíciles y falta de apoyo de pares”. Los factores
identificados fueron interpretados en base a una recopilación de diferentes
investigaciones previas.
Voluntarily turnover is one of the biggest organizational problems in Peru, which is preceded by an employee's intention or plan to leave the organization (Mobley et al., 1978; Hausknecht et al., 2009). This variable is especially a problem in the health sector, since it has a considerable impact on the quality of service of patients. Although there are international studies that have studied some variables associated with the turnover intention in nurses, there is no consensus among these factors and in the Peruvian context there are no studies in this area. For this reason, this study seeks to identify the factors of turnover intention in the nursing staff of a peruvian clinic from an emic perspective, through a mixed design consisting of in-depth interviews and the application of an emic scale. The sample was composed of 40 participants for the qualitative phase and 102 participants for the quantitative phase. The exploratory factor analysis found three factors: "Incompressibility, inequality and abuse of leader and other workers", "Lack of organizational support associated with legal noncompliance and lack of work resources" and "Demanding job associated with work overload, difficult clients and lack of coworkers support". The factors identified were interpreted on the basis of a collection of various previous investigations.
Voluntarily turnover is one of the biggest organizational problems in Peru, which is preceded by an employee's intention or plan to leave the organization (Mobley et al., 1978; Hausknecht et al., 2009). This variable is especially a problem in the health sector, since it has a considerable impact on the quality of service of patients. Although there are international studies that have studied some variables associated with the turnover intention in nurses, there is no consensus among these factors and in the Peruvian context there are no studies in this area. For this reason, this study seeks to identify the factors of turnover intention in the nursing staff of a peruvian clinic from an emic perspective, through a mixed design consisting of in-depth interviews and the application of an emic scale. The sample was composed of 40 participants for the qualitative phase and 102 participants for the quantitative phase. The exploratory factor analysis found three factors: "Incompressibility, inequality and abuse of leader and other workers", "Lack of organizational support associated with legal noncompliance and lack of work resources" and "Demanding job associated with work overload, difficult clients and lack of coworkers support". The factors identified were interpreted on the basis of a collection of various previous investigations.
Clínicas--Perú--Lima, Rotación de personal--Perú--Lima, Enfermeras--Perú--Lima--Condiciones sociales, Enfermeras--Perú--Lima--Aspectos psicológicos, Servicios de salud--Perú--Lima
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