Percepciones de los docentes de primaria sobre la Evaluación Formativa en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje en una institución educativa pública
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La evaluación formativa se promueve con mayor fuerza en el Perú desde el 2016; año en que
se modificó el Currículo Nacional de Educación Básica (CNEB) y en el cual se define a la
evaluación como “un proceso permanente de comunicación y reflexión sobre los resultados
de los aprendizajes de los estudiantes […] y busca identificar los avances, dificultades y logros
de los estudiantes con el fin de brindarles el apoyo pedagógico que necesiten para mejorar”
(Ministerio de Educación, 2016, p. 177). Ante ello surge el problema ¿cuáles son las
percepciones de los docentes de primaria sobre la Evaluación Formativa en el proceso de
enseñanza aprendizaje en una institución educativa pública? Se busca analizar con ello, las
percepciones de los docentes de primaria sobre la Evaluación Formativa en el proceso de
enseñanza aprendizaje en una institución educativa pública. La investigación se desarrolla
bajo una metodología mixta que consta de una encuesta aplicada a 21 docentes y una
entrevista aplicada a 6 docentes de cada grado del nivel de primaria de una institución
educativa pública. El desarrollo de la investigación se enmarca en dos objetivos específicos:
describir las percepciones sobre las concepciones de Evaluación Formativa que poseen los
docentes de nivel primaria; y, describir las percepciones sobre la aplicación de medios,
técnicas e instrumentos de la Evaluación Formativa en la práctica educativa de los docentes
de nivel de primaria. A partir de los resultados obtenidos orientados a dichos objetivos,
procedemos a un análisis entre las percepciones de los docentes a nivel conceptual y
práctico. Los resultados de la investigación concluyen en que los docentes demuestran un
conocimiento general sobre la Evaluación Formativa, sin embargo, los medios, técnicas e
instrumentos que ponen en práctica corresponden en su mayoría a la Evaluación Sumativa.
Formative assessment has been promoted with greater force in Peru since 2016; year in which the National Basic Education Curriculum (CNEB) was modified and in which evaluation is defined as “a permanent process of communication and reflection on the results of student learning […] and seeks to identify progress, difficulties and achievements of students in order to provide them with the pedagogical support they need to improve” (Ministry of Education, 2016, p. 177). Faced with this, the problem arises, what are the perceptions of primary school teachers on Formative Assessment in the teaching-learning process in a public educational institution in Metropolitan Lima? It seeks to analyze with this, the perceptions of teachers on the Formative Assessment for learning in a public educational institution in Metropolitan Lima. The research is developed under a mixed methodology that consists of a survey applied to 21 teachers and an interview applied to 6 teachers of each grade of the primary level of a public educational institution. The development of the research is framed in two specific objectives: to describe the perceptions about the conceptions of Formative Assessment that primary level teachers have; and, describe the perceptions on the application of means, techniques and instruments of Formative Assessment in the educational practice of primary level teachers. From the results obtained oriented to these objectives, we proceed to an analysis between the teachers' perceptions at a conceptual and practical level. The results of the research conclude that teachers demonstrate a general knowledge about Formative Assessment, however, the means, techniques and instruments that they put into practice correspond mostly to Summative Assessment.
Formative assessment has been promoted with greater force in Peru since 2016; year in which the National Basic Education Curriculum (CNEB) was modified and in which evaluation is defined as “a permanent process of communication and reflection on the results of student learning […] and seeks to identify progress, difficulties and achievements of students in order to provide them with the pedagogical support they need to improve” (Ministry of Education, 2016, p. 177). Faced with this, the problem arises, what are the perceptions of primary school teachers on Formative Assessment in the teaching-learning process in a public educational institution in Metropolitan Lima? It seeks to analyze with this, the perceptions of teachers on the Formative Assessment for learning in a public educational institution in Metropolitan Lima. The research is developed under a mixed methodology that consists of a survey applied to 21 teachers and an interview applied to 6 teachers of each grade of the primary level of a public educational institution. The development of the research is framed in two specific objectives: to describe the perceptions about the conceptions of Formative Assessment that primary level teachers have; and, describe the perceptions on the application of means, techniques and instruments of Formative Assessment in the educational practice of primary level teachers. From the results obtained oriented to these objectives, we proceed to an analysis between the teachers' perceptions at a conceptual and practical level. The results of the research conclude that teachers demonstrate a general knowledge about Formative Assessment, however, the means, techniques and instruments that they put into practice correspond mostly to Summative Assessment.
Personal docente--Evaluación, Educación primaria, Aprendizaje (Educación)
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