Factores que han impactado en la implementación de la primera Escuela Emprendedores de Oro de la Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima durante la pandemia Covid-19
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Considerando el acelerado crecimiento de la población adulta mayor y la
problemática de discriminación que enfrenta −situación que además se vio
agravada por la COVID 19− la presente investigación busca aportar a la Gerencia
Social a partir de la experiencia de la Escuela Emprendedores de Oro (EEO),
implementada por la Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima (MML). Esta es la
primera escuela municipal de emprendimiento dirigida a adultos mayores para
capacitarlos en gestión empresarial, como un medio para su sostenimiento,
basada en el respeto de los derechos de este importante sector de la población.
El objetivo es determinar, cualitativamente y como estudio de caso, los factores
que contribuyeron o limitaron la implementación de la primera versión de la EEO,
realizada de manera virtual en enero de 2021; analizando la percepción, las
necesidades y expectativas de sus participantes. Todo ello en el marco de la
política pública que asimismo se adhiere a los instrumentos internacionales
ratificados por el Estado peruano.
La investigación se enmarca en tres enfoques: el de los derechos humanos,
presente mediante la forma en que la EEO se relaciona con la población adulta
mayor; el de las capacidades, alentando una vida productiva y creativa y, el de la
cadena de valor público, para la satisfacción de sus intereses y necesidades.
Es importante resaltar que la EEO es una intervención en repuesta al grave
impacto que tuvo la pandemia en la población adulta mayor, la que, debido a su
vulnerabilidad y la alta tasa de letalidad, fue confinada como medida de
emergencia, por cuya causa perdió la posibilidad de interactuar en las diversas
actividades presenciales que les ofrecían desde varias instancias de la MML.
Como resultado, se identifican cinco factores que contribuyeron al desarrollo de la
EEO: (i) La consideración de las necesidades y expectativas de los participantes
en la definición de los objetivos de esta escuela, (ii) el uso de recursos
comunicacionales efectivos, (iii) una gestión de recursos eficiente, eficaz y
efectiva, (iv) el disponer de recursos metodológicos adaptados a la PAM, (v) el
contar con capacitadores formados en la metodología SYSA, con experiencia
empresarial y comprometidos en el acompañamiento a los participantes.
Considering the accelerated growth of the elderly population and the problem of discrimination that this group faces, and an aggravated situation by COVID 19, this research seeks to contribute to Social Management based on the experience of the Escuela Emprendedores de Oro (EEO), implemented by the Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima (MML). This is the first municipal entrepreneurship school aimed at older adults to train them in business management as a vehicle for their support, based on respect for the rights of this important sector of the population. The objective is to determine, qualitatively and as a case study, the factors that contributed or limited the implementation of the first version of the EEO, done virtually in January 2021; analyzing the perception, needs and expectations of its participants, all within the framework of public policy that also adheres to international instruments ratified by the Peruvian State. The research is framed in three approaches: human rights, present through the way in which the EEO relates to the older people as subjects of law; capacities, encouraging a productive and creative life and, the public value chain, oriented to the satisfaction of their interests and needs, in favor of their well-being. It is important to highlight that the EEO is an intervention in response to the serious impact that the pandemic had on the elderly population. Due to its vulnerability and high fatality rate, older persons were confined to home as an urgent measure, losing the possibility of interaction in the various activities offered in person by various instances of the MML. As a result, five factors that contributed to the development of the EEO are identified, namely: (i) the consideration of the needs and expectations of the subjects of law in the definition of the objectives of this school, (ii) the use of adequate communication resources, (iii) efficiency, efficacy and effective resource management, (iv) having methodological resources adapted to the profile of the participants, (v) having trainers schooled in the SYSA methodology, with business experience and committed to accompanying the participants.
Considering the accelerated growth of the elderly population and the problem of discrimination that this group faces, and an aggravated situation by COVID 19, this research seeks to contribute to Social Management based on the experience of the Escuela Emprendedores de Oro (EEO), implemented by the Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima (MML). This is the first municipal entrepreneurship school aimed at older adults to train them in business management as a vehicle for their support, based on respect for the rights of this important sector of the population. The objective is to determine, qualitatively and as a case study, the factors that contributed or limited the implementation of the first version of the EEO, done virtually in January 2021; analyzing the perception, needs and expectations of its participants, all within the framework of public policy that also adheres to international instruments ratified by the Peruvian State. The research is framed in three approaches: human rights, present through the way in which the EEO relates to the older people as subjects of law; capacities, encouraging a productive and creative life and, the public value chain, oriented to the satisfaction of their interests and needs, in favor of their well-being. It is important to highlight that the EEO is an intervention in response to the serious impact that the pandemic had on the elderly population. Due to its vulnerability and high fatality rate, older persons were confined to home as an urgent measure, losing the possibility of interaction in the various activities offered in person by various instances of the MML. As a result, five factors that contributed to the development of the EEO are identified, namely: (i) the consideration of the needs and expectations of the subjects of law in the definition of the objectives of this school, (ii) the use of adequate communication resources, (iii) efficiency, efficacy and effective resource management, (iv) having methodological resources adapted to the profile of the participants, (v) having trainers schooled in the SYSA methodology, with business experience and committed to accompanying the participants.
COVID-19 (Enfermedad)--Aspectos sociales--Perú, Ancianos--Aspectos sociales--Perú, Ancianos--Política gubernamental--Perú, Ancianos--Emprendimiento--Perú
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