Desarrollo de capacidades laborales en el Programa Nacional de Empleo Juvenil “Jóvenes Productivos” y la inserción laboral en la Región Puno, periodo 2018-2019
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo general: determinar la
influencia del desarrollo de capacidades laborales del Programa Nacional de
Empleo Juvenil “Jóvenes Productivos” en la inserción laboral que presentan los
jóvenes beneficiarios en la Región Puno, mientras que su hipótesis general es:
el Programa Nacional de Empleo Juvenil “Jóvenes Productivos” desarrolla
capacidades laborales, que ayuda a la inserción laboral en la Región Puno. La
metodología es del tipo descriptivo con medida de corte transversal, donde la
población se conformó por 275 jóvenes capacitados por el Programa Nacional
de Empleo Juvenil “Jóvenes Productivos” en los últimos 2 años en la Región
Puno; de los cuales, se selecciona una muestra de 101 jóvenes, teniendo el
medio de recolección de datos realizados a través de técnicas de encuestas, en
el procesamiento de datos se aplicó cuadros de distribución de frecuencias,
estadígrafos y la prueba de hipótesis se utilizó la correlación bivariado de
Pearson y correlación multivariada para demostrar el objetivo general;
finalmente, se llega a la siguiente conclusión general, podemos establecer que,
existe influencia significativa de las capacidades laborales desarrollados por el
Programa Nacional de Empleo Juvenil “Jóvenes Productivos” en la inserción
laboral que presentan los jóvenes beneficiarios en la región Puno. Se tiene que,
el valor de la, F calculada = 17.161 es mayor que el valor de F tablas = 2.29, por
lo cual se rechaza la hipótesis nula y se acepta nuestra hipótesis alterna, con un
nivel de significancia de 5% o 0.05.
The present research work has as a general objective: to determine the influence of the development of labor capacities of the National Youth Employment Program "Productive Youths" in the labor insertion presented by the young beneficiaries in the Puno Region, while its general hypothesis is: the National Employment Program Youth “Productive Youths" develops job skills, which helps job placement in the Puno Region. The methodology is descriptive with a crosssectional measure, where the population was made up of 275 young people trained by the National Youth Employment Program "Productive Youths" in the last 2 years in the Puno Region; of which, a sample of 101 young people is selected, having the means of data collection carried out through survey techniques, in the data processing frequency distribution charts, statisticians and the hypothesis test the correlation was used Pearson bivariate and multivariate correlation to demonstrate the general objective; Finally, the following general conclusion is reached, we can establish that there is a significant influence of the labor skills developed by the National Youth Employment Program "Productive Youths" in the labor insertion presented by the young beneficiaries in the Puno region. It is found that the value of the, F calculated = 17.161 is greater than the value of F tables = 2.29, for which the null hypothesis is rejected and our alternate hypothesis is accepted, with a significance level of 5% or 0.05.
The present research work has as a general objective: to determine the influence of the development of labor capacities of the National Youth Employment Program "Productive Youths" in the labor insertion presented by the young beneficiaries in the Puno Region, while its general hypothesis is: the National Employment Program Youth “Productive Youths" develops job skills, which helps job placement in the Puno Region. The methodology is descriptive with a crosssectional measure, where the population was made up of 275 young people trained by the National Youth Employment Program "Productive Youths" in the last 2 years in the Puno Region; of which, a sample of 101 young people is selected, having the means of data collection carried out through survey techniques, in the data processing frequency distribution charts, statisticians and the hypothesis test the correlation was used Pearson bivariate and multivariate correlation to demonstrate the general objective; Finally, the following general conclusion is reached, we can establish that there is a significant influence of the labor skills developed by the National Youth Employment Program "Productive Youths" in the labor insertion presented by the young beneficiaries in the Puno region. It is found that the value of the, F calculated = 17.161 is greater than the value of F tables = 2.29, for which the null hypothesis is rejected and our alternate hypothesis is accepted, with a significance level of 5% or 0.05.
Juventud--Empleo--Perú--Puno, Mercado de trabajo--Perú--Puno, Capacitación ocupacional--Perú--Puno, Perú--Política social
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