La influencia del programa radial de la maestría en gerencia social “espacio de gestión” en la agenda pública a través de la concertación, debate y generación de propuestas en temas de gerencia social durante los años 2014-2015
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente, es una investigación sobre la importancia de establecer un vínculo
entre la Universidad y nuestro país a través de la influencia de un medio de
comunicación en la agenda pública. Para ello, hemos tomado el caso de la
experiencia del programa radial de la Maestría en Gerencia Social “Espacio de
Gestión” (antes “Espacio Potencial”) de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del
El objetivo general de la presente investigación es conocer cómo influyó el
programa radial de la Maestría en Gerencia Social en la agenda pública, durante
los años 2014-2015, analizando la percepción y el aporte a través de la
concertación, debate y generación de propuestas sobre temas de gerencia
social, para fortalecer el desarrollo del programa.
Asimismo, determinar en qué medida el programa radial de la Maestría en
Gerencia Social está cubriendo las expectativas de los oyentes y cumpliendo con
los objetivos institucionales de la Maestría.
Se tomó como unidad de análisis a los alumnos, egresados y docentes, el área
de producción y la coordinación de la Maestría en Gerencia Social, así como el
programa radial. El desarrollo de la investigación consistió en recurrir a técnicas
cualitativas. Se aplicaron en total 30 entrevistas en profundidad.
La investigación nos permitió conocer y analizar la importancia de un medio de
comunicación para el desarrollo como la radio, generando el debate sobre la
agenda pública desde el enfoque de la Gerencia social y la política social, así
como visibilizando la postura de la Maestría en temas de actualidad o coyuntura
A partir del estudio del espacio radial de la Maestría se han precisado
propuestas para la mejora de sus contenidos en la producción, concertación y
posicionamiento del programa y de esta forma se siga potenciando su diseño,
ejecución al aire y la sostenibilidad como un programa inédito y pionero de
aporte al desarrollo al país.
Por eso, se presenta la propuesta lineamientos de fortalecimiento
comunicacional para el programa radial “Espacio de Gestión” cuyas acciones servirán como herramientas para fortalecer el impacto del programa y el
alcance de mejores resultados para su público oyente.
Además, la investigación plantea un aporte al estudio de la gerencia social a
través del uso de la radio como espacio mediático donde se debaten y analizan
la política y los programas sociales desde la experiencia académica y profesional
y cómo ésta puede contribuir a la mejora de la toma de decisiones para construir
un mejor país.
The present, is an investigation on the importance of establishing a link between the University and our country through the influence of a means of communication in the public agenda and for this we have taken the case of the experience of the radio program of the Master in Social Management "Management Space" (formerly "Potential Space") of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. The main objective of the present research is to understand how the radio program of the Master in Social Management influences in the public agenda, during the years 2014-2015, analyzing the perception and the contribution through the conciliation, debate and generation of proposals on Topics of social management, in order to strengthen the development of the program. Similarly, determine to what extent the radio program of the Master in Social Management is covering the expectations of the listeners and fulfilling the institutional objectives of the Master. The unit of analysis was taken to students, graduates and teachers, the area of production and coordination of the Master in Social Management, as well as the radio program. The development of the research consisted in using qualitative techniques. A total of 30 in-depth interviews were applied. The research allowed us to know and analyze the importance of a means of communication for development such as radio, generating debate on the public agenda from the approach of social management and social policy, as well as making visible the position of the Master in subjects of current or social situation. From the study of the radial space of the Master's Degree, proposals have been made for the improvement of its contents in the production, coordination and positioning of the program and, in this way, its design, execution in the air and sustainability continue to be promoted as an unpublished program. A pioneer of development contribution to the country. For this reason, the proposal proposes guidelines for communicational strengthening for the radio program "Espacio de Gestión", whose actions will serve as tools to strengthen the impact of the program and the achievement of better results for its public listener. The research proposes a contribution to the study of social management through the use of radio as a media space where the politics and social programs are discussed and analyzed from the academic and professional experience and how this can contribute to the improvement of decision making to build a better country.
The present, is an investigation on the importance of establishing a link between the University and our country through the influence of a means of communication in the public agenda and for this we have taken the case of the experience of the radio program of the Master in Social Management "Management Space" (formerly "Potential Space") of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. The main objective of the present research is to understand how the radio program of the Master in Social Management influences in the public agenda, during the years 2014-2015, analyzing the perception and the contribution through the conciliation, debate and generation of proposals on Topics of social management, in order to strengthen the development of the program. Similarly, determine to what extent the radio program of the Master in Social Management is covering the expectations of the listeners and fulfilling the institutional objectives of the Master. The unit of analysis was taken to students, graduates and teachers, the area of production and coordination of the Master in Social Management, as well as the radio program. The development of the research consisted in using qualitative techniques. A total of 30 in-depth interviews were applied. The research allowed us to know and analyze the importance of a means of communication for development such as radio, generating debate on the public agenda from the approach of social management and social policy, as well as making visible the position of the Master in subjects of current or social situation. From the study of the radial space of the Master's Degree, proposals have been made for the improvement of its contents in the production, coordination and positioning of the program and, in this way, its design, execution in the air and sustainability continue to be promoted as an unpublished program. A pioneer of development contribution to the country. For this reason, the proposal proposes guidelines for communicational strengthening for the radio program "Espacio de Gestión", whose actions will serve as tools to strengthen the impact of the program and the achievement of better results for its public listener. The research proposes a contribution to the study of social management through the use of radio as a media space where the politics and social programs are discussed and analyzed from the academic and professional experience and how this can contribute to the improvement of decision making to build a better country.
Radiodifusión--Perú--Aspectos sociales, Medios de comunicación de masas, Opinión pública
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