Representaciones sociales de la justicia y sus correlatos psicosociales en jóvenes peruanos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación buscó conocer las representaciones sociales de la justicia y sus
correlatos sociopolíticos en jóvenes adultos peruanos. Con ese fin, se realizaron dos estudios.
El primero buscó explorar las representaciones sociales de la justicia. Los resultados mostraron
que la justicia se podría entender de forma distributiva, retributiva e institucional. También, se
identificó que justicia peruana, referida al Poder Judicial y la Policía Nacional del Perú, no
cumplía con las condiciones prescritas de las representaciones de la justicia descritas por los
participantes, lo cual tenía implicancias a nivel emocional y actitudinal; así como
consecuencias negativas en la confianza institucional. Los resultados descritos fueron
utilizados para crear una escala psicométrica. Esta fue utilizada en un estudio cuantitativo
correlacional (N=212), el cual buscó conocer la relación entre esta escala, la ideología política,
la confianza institucional, y un conjunto de actitudes sociopolíticas, tales como hacia los
Derechos Humanos, hacia la democracia y hacia la violencia. A nivel general, se confirmaron
las representaciones negativas de la justicia peruana. A su vez, se identificó que las personas
no binarias y las mujeres eran los grupos que representaban al Perú de manera más injusta.
Finalmente, se observó que las representaciones sociales de la justicia correlacionaban
significativamente con todas las variables descritas y que la principal predictora de estas fue la
ideología dominante.
The aim of this study was to know the social representations of justice and its socio-political correlates in young Peruvian adults. For that porpoise, two studies were carried-out. The first one explored the social representations of justice. The results showed that justice could be understood in a distributive, retributive and institutional way. Also, it was identified that Peruvian justice, referred to the Judicial institutions and the National Police of Peru, did not comply with the prescribed conditions of the representations of justice described by the participants, which had emotional and attitudinal implications; as well as negative consequences on institutional trust. These results were used to create a scale of social representations of justice was used in a quantitative correlational study (N=212). The aim of this second study was to explore the relationship between the social representations of justice, political ideology, institutional trust, and a set of socio-political attitudes, such as towards Human Rights, towards democracy and towards violence. At the general level, the negative representations of the Peruvian justice were confirmed. Additionally, the results indicated that it that non-binary people and women were most likely to represent Peru more unfair than other groups. Finally, it was shown that the social representations of justice correlated significantly with all the variables and that the main predictor of these was the dominant ideology.
The aim of this study was to know the social representations of justice and its socio-political correlates in young Peruvian adults. For that porpoise, two studies were carried-out. The first one explored the social representations of justice. The results showed that justice could be understood in a distributive, retributive and institutional way. Also, it was identified that Peruvian justice, referred to the Judicial institutions and the National Police of Peru, did not comply with the prescribed conditions of the representations of justice described by the participants, which had emotional and attitudinal implications; as well as negative consequences on institutional trust. These results were used to create a scale of social representations of justice was used in a quantitative correlational study (N=212). The aim of this second study was to explore the relationship between the social representations of justice, political ideology, institutional trust, and a set of socio-political attitudes, such as towards Human Rights, towards democracy and towards violence. At the general level, the negative representations of the Peruvian justice were confirmed. Additionally, the results indicated that it that non-binary people and women were most likely to represent Peru more unfair than other groups. Finally, it was shown that the social representations of justice correlated significantly with all the variables and that the main predictor of these was the dominant ideology.
Representaciones sociales, Justicia (Filosofía), Administración de justicia--Perú
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