Informe de experiencia en la oficina de Jefatura de una entidad del Estado
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional tiene como finalidad informar del nivel de logro
de las competencias del perfil de egreso de la Licenciatura en Psicología de la Pontificia
Universidad Católica del Perú en base a la experiencia obtenida durante el periodo de prácticas
preprofesionales. El centro de prácticas fue una entidad del Estado del rubro cultural. En esta
etapa de prácticas, las funciones realizadas consistieron en el análisis y desarrollo de propuestas
de intervención para la resolución de problemas en el ámbito organizacional y educativo
identificados dentro de la institución. En relación a la competencia Diagnóstica, se llevó a cabo
un estudio de clima laboral y un análisis de necesidades de un grupo de estudiantes
preuniversitarios. Para la competencia Interviene, se diseñó e implementó un taller de
fortalecimiento de competencias digitales para docentes y un taller de desarrollo de estrategias
y técnicas de estudio para adolescentes. Finalmente, en cuanto a la competencia Evalúa, se
desarrollaron dos proyectos de análisis de resultados de los talleres previamente mencionados.
The purpose of this Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional – Professional Sufficiency Work is to report on the level of achievement of the competencies of the graduation profile of the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú based on the experience obtained during the pre-professional internship period. The practice center was a governmental entity in the cultural field. In this internship stage, the functions performed consisted of the analysis and development of intervention proposals to resolve problems in the organizational and educational field identified within the institution. In relation to the Diagnostic competence, the practitioner carried out a work environment study and a needs analysis of a group of pre-university students. For the Intervention competition, a workshop to strengthen digital skills for teachers and a workshop to develop study strategies and techniques for adolescents were designed and implemented. Finally, regarding the Evaluation competition, two projects were developed to analyze the results of the previously mentioned workshops.
The purpose of this Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional – Professional Sufficiency Work is to report on the level of achievement of the competencies of the graduation profile of the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú based on the experience obtained during the pre-professional internship period. The practice center was a governmental entity in the cultural field. In this internship stage, the functions performed consisted of the analysis and development of intervention proposals to resolve problems in the organizational and educational field identified within the institution. In relation to the Diagnostic competence, the practitioner carried out a work environment study and a needs analysis of a group of pre-university students. For the Intervention competition, a workshop to strengthen digital skills for teachers and a workshop to develop study strategies and techniques for adolescents were designed and implemented. Finally, regarding the Evaluation competition, two projects were developed to analyze the results of the previously mentioned workshops.
Formación profesional, Comportamiento organizacional--Evaluación, Orientación educativa, Administración pública--Perú
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