Estrategias del docente para atender los comportamientos disruptivos de los estudiantes del nivel primario en una Institución Educativa Privada en el contexto de la pandemia de la Covid 19
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente tesis responde al interés de reconocer la importancia de las estrategias
de una docente del nivel primaria de la Educación Básica Regular para atender los
comportamientos disruptivos. Por ese motivo, el objetivo general de la investigación
es analizar cómo responde el docente ante los comportamientos disruptivos de los
estudiantes de una institución educativa privada del distrito de Miraflores en el
contexto de la Covid 19. En ese sentido, esta investigación sigue un enfoque
cualitativo descriptivo, la cual explorará las diversas estrategias que la docente
utiliza en su aula y la actitud que presenta ante los estudiantes a través de las
técnicas de la entrevista y la observación.
Como resultado de esta investigación, se pudo analizar que las estrategias
aplicadas por la docente responden a las necesidades de los estudiantes con
comportamientos disruptivos. Asimismo, se evidenció que su forma de acción en el
aula tuvo influencia de factores como la sugerencia de los padres de familia, la
maternidad y su trabajo con colegas. Esta forma de acción respondía a un estilo de
enseñanza y aprendizaje que ella promueve para obtener un clima adecuado de
convivencia entre sus alumnos.
The present thesis responds to the interest of recognizing the importance of the strategies of a teacher at the primary level of Regular Basic Education to deal with disruptive behaviors. For this reason, the general objective of the research is to analyze how the teacher responds to the disruptive behaviors of students in a private educational institution in the district of Miraflores in the context of Covid 19. In that sense, this research follows a descriptive qualitative approach, which will explore the various strategies that the teacher uses in her classroom and the attitude she presents to the students through the techniques of interview and observation. As a result of this research, it was possible to analyze that the strategies applied by the teacher responded to the needs of students with disruptive behaviors. Likewise, it was evidenced that her form of action in the classroom was influenced by factors such as the suggestion of parents, motherhood and her work with colleagues. This form of action responded to a teaching and learning style that she promotes to obtain an adequate climate of coexistence among her students.
The present thesis responds to the interest of recognizing the importance of the strategies of a teacher at the primary level of Regular Basic Education to deal with disruptive behaviors. For this reason, the general objective of the research is to analyze how the teacher responds to the disruptive behaviors of students in a private educational institution in the district of Miraflores in the context of Covid 19. In that sense, this research follows a descriptive qualitative approach, which will explore the various strategies that the teacher uses in her classroom and the attitude she presents to the students through the techniques of interview and observation. As a result of this research, it was possible to analyze that the strategies applied by the teacher responded to the needs of students with disruptive behaviors. Likewise, it was evidenced that her form of action in the classroom was influenced by factors such as the suggestion of parents, motherhood and her work with colleagues. This form of action responded to a teaching and learning style that she promotes to obtain an adequate climate of coexistence among her students.
Desórdenes de la conducta en niños, Personal docente--Actitudes, Educación primaria--Investigaciones, COVID-19 (Enfermedad)--Educación
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