Análisis de los factores que influyen en el logro de los objetivos y en la ejecución de las actividades de la intervención soporte pedagógico de la secundaria rural en diferentes regiones del Perú durante el año 2017 en el Ministerio de Educación
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La intervención Soporte Pedagógico para la Secundaria Rural, desarrolla un
acompañamiento pedagógico y social comunitario para disminuir la brecha en el
logro de objetivos de aprendizaje, la deserción y violencia escolar, y fortalecer las
capacidades de los docentes.
En ese contexto, la presente investigación analiza el planteamiento de la
propuesta, las características laborales del acompañamiento y la relación entre los
acompañantes y los actores usuarios con la finalidad de conocer los factores
asociados a la eficacia de la intervención de SPSR.
Para ello, se realizará un estudio de caso con una propuesta metodológica mixta
que utiliza entrevistas, análisis documental y encuestas; y asume como unidad de
análisis a los acompañantes que laboran en las distintas regiones del Perú y a los
especialistas del Minedu que están a cargo de la coordinación y gestión de la
Los hallazgos demuestran que la intervención SPSR es una propuesta holística
que requiere ser comprendida por su recurso humano de manera estandarizada y
práctica. Asimismo, a pesar de contar con recursos humanos comprometidos y
motivados, existen limitaciones administrativas y de desarrollo profesional que
generan insatisfacción e inestabilidad. Y, como en toda relación humana, entre el
acompañante y los usuarios pueden coexistir tanto aceptación al acompañamiento
como rechazo de este debido a percepciones subjetivas de jerarquía.
Desde la gerencia social, la presente investigación genera lecciones aprendidas
vinculadas a un programa de desarrollo de capacidades; oportunidades de
innovación; y revalora la importancia de la gestión de recursos humanos como
parte de las intervenciones de fortalecimiento de capacidades. Asimismo, ofrece
medidas para mejorar la implementación del Soporte Pedagógico para la
Secundaria Rural.
The intervention Pedagogical Support for the Rural Secondary School develops a pedagogical and social community support to reduce the rural vs. urban gap in the achievement of learning objectives, school dropout, school violence, and strengthen teachers’ capacities. In that context, this investigation analyzes the proposal's approach, the characteristics’ labor of accompaniment and the relationship between companions and user actors in order to determine factors associated with the effectiveness of the SPSR intervention. For this, a case study will be carried out with a mixed methodological proposal that uses interviews, documentary analysis and surveys; and assumes as an analysis unit the companions who work in the different regions of Peru and the specialists of the Minedu who are in charge of the coordination and management of the intervention. The findings reveal that the SPSR intervention is a holistic proposal that needs to be understood by its human resources in a standardized and practical way. Also, despite the committed and motivated human resources, there are administrative and professional development limitations that limit dissatisfaction and instability. And, in the relationship between the companion and the users, both acceptance and accompaniment can coexist as rejection of this due to subjective perceptions of hierarchy. From social management perspective, this research generates learned lessons linked to building capacities programs; innovation opportunities; and reassess the importance of human resources management as part of capacity building difficulties. It also offers ways to improve the implementation of Pedagogical Support for Rural Secondary Education.
The intervention Pedagogical Support for the Rural Secondary School develops a pedagogical and social community support to reduce the rural vs. urban gap in the achievement of learning objectives, school dropout, school violence, and strengthen teachers’ capacities. In that context, this investigation analyzes the proposal's approach, the characteristics’ labor of accompaniment and the relationship between companions and user actors in order to determine factors associated with the effectiveness of the SPSR intervention. For this, a case study will be carried out with a mixed methodological proposal that uses interviews, documentary analysis and surveys; and assumes as an analysis unit the companions who work in the different regions of Peru and the specialists of the Minedu who are in charge of the coordination and management of the intervention. The findings reveal that the SPSR intervention is a holistic proposal that needs to be understood by its human resources in a standardized and practical way. Also, despite the committed and motivated human resources, there are administrative and professional development limitations that limit dissatisfaction and instability. And, in the relationship between the companion and the users, both acceptance and accompaniment can coexist as rejection of this due to subjective perceptions of hierarchy. From social management perspective, this research generates learned lessons linked to building capacities programs; innovation opportunities; and reassess the importance of human resources management as part of capacity building difficulties. It also offers ways to improve the implementation of Pedagogical Support for Rural Secondary Education.
Educación rural--Perú, Educación--Aspectos sociales, Personal docente, Educación primaria--Investigaciones
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