Bases ideológicas y actitudinales limitantes del liderazgo femenino en el ámbito castrense
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar la relación entre los valores, la ideología
política, el sexismo ambivalente y las actitudes desfavorables hacia el liderazgo femenino en
una escuela de suboficiales de Lima Metropolitana. La muestra está formada por 217
participantes de Lima (141 hombres y 76 mujeres) con una edad media de 21 años. Para ello,
se emplean cuatro escalas y una ficha de datos sociodemográficos. Los estadísticos que se
utilizan son correlaciones paramétricas, comparaciones de media y regresión múltiple
jerárquica. Los resultados muestran que hay asociaciones significativas entre las variables
mencionadas. Se identifican mayores puntajes de sexismo benevolente en toda la muestra y
que los hombres puntúan más alto en ambos tipos de sexismo que las mujeres. Se encuentra
que el sexismo hostil, los valores de conservación y apertura, así como el RWA son variables
que predicen las actitudes desfavorables hacia el liderazgo femenino dentro de la muestra,
con lo que los resultados evidencian que hay cierto rechazo hacia la igualdad de
oportunidades que pueden tener las mujeres dentro del ámbito militar.
The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between values, political ideology, ambivalent sexism and unfavorable attitudes towards female leadership in students of a Non- Commissioned Officers School in Lima metropolitan area. The sample consists of 217 participants from Lima (141 men and 76 women) with an average age of 21 years. For this reason, we used four scales and a sociodemographic data sheet. The statistics consisted of parametric correlations, mean comparisons and hierarchical multiple regression. The results showed significant associations between the mentioned variables. In addition, higher scores of Benevolent Sexism were identified throughout the sample and men scored higher than women in both types of sexism. Finally, it was found that hostile sexism, conservation and openness values, as well as the RWA are variables that predict unfavorable attitudes towards female leadership within the sample, which shows that there is a certain rejection towards equal opportunities that women can have within the military.
The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between values, political ideology, ambivalent sexism and unfavorable attitudes towards female leadership in students of a Non- Commissioned Officers School in Lima metropolitan area. The sample consists of 217 participants from Lima (141 men and 76 women) with an average age of 21 years. For this reason, we used four scales and a sociodemographic data sheet. The statistics consisted of parametric correlations, mean comparisons and hierarchical multiple regression. The results showed significant associations between the mentioned variables. In addition, higher scores of Benevolent Sexism were identified throughout the sample and men scored higher than women in both types of sexism. Finally, it was found that hostile sexism, conservation and openness values, as well as the RWA are variables that predict unfavorable attitudes towards female leadership within the sample, which shows that there is a certain rejection towards equal opportunities that women can have within the military.
Liderazgo en mujeres, Sexismo, Fuerzas armadas
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