La autonomía de la voluntad de los cónyuges en previsión de los efectos económicos de la ruptura conyugal
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene por objetivo explicar los alcances en torno a si nuestro
ordenamiento civil otorga relevancia a la autonomía de la voluntad de los cónyuges en
previsión de una ruptura conyugal. Para lo cual analizamos el papel actual que se
reconoce a la autonomía de los cónyuges para reglamentar los aspectos personales
y económicos una vez surgida la ruptura o crisis conyugal, así como también
analizamos a la luz de la doctrina, nuestro ordenamiento legal y constitucional y la
jurisprudencia, si existen justificaciones para ampliar aquel reconocimiento de
autonomía privada para anticipar los efectos económicos que produce una ruptura
A partir del desarrollo de los principales efectos económicos que produce una
ruptura conyugal, justificamos la necesidad de la derogación del artículo 312 del
Código Civil que limita la libertad de contratación entre cónyuges, así como la
recepción normativa de los acuerdos prematrimoniales, que en nuestro medio puede
significar una mejor protección, por los propios cónyuges, frente a las consecuencias
económicas injustas que puede producir una ruptura conyugal. Realizamos un
abordaje teórico de los acuerdos prematrimoniales para encontrar su utilidad práctica
en nuestro contexto, y evaluamos si su incorporación en nuestro ordenamiento puede
representar una mejor protección de los cónyuges, en manos de ellos mismos,
mediante dichos acuerdos o pactos.
The purpose of this research is to explain the scope of the question whether our civil system grants relevance to the autonomy of the spouses' will in anticipation of a marital breakdown. For which we analyze the current role that is recognized to the autonomy of the spouses to regulate the personal and economic aspects once the marital breakdown or crisis arises, as well as we analyze in the light of the doctrine, our legal and constitutional order and the jurisprudence, if there are justifications to extend that recognition of private autonomy to anticipate the economic effects that a marital breakdown produces. From the development of the main economic effects produced by a marital breakup, we justify the need for the repeal of article 312 of the Civil Code that limits the freedom of contracting between spouses, as well as the normative reception of the premarital agreements, which in our environment can mean a better protection, by the spouses themselves, against the unfair economic consequences that a marital breakup can produce. We make a theoretical approach of the premarital agreements to find their practical utility in our context, and we evaluate if their incorporation in our legal system can represent a better protection of the spouses, in the hands of the spouses themselves, by means of such agreements or pacts.
The purpose of this research is to explain the scope of the question whether our civil system grants relevance to the autonomy of the spouses' will in anticipation of a marital breakdown. For which we analyze the current role that is recognized to the autonomy of the spouses to regulate the personal and economic aspects once the marital breakdown or crisis arises, as well as we analyze in the light of the doctrine, our legal and constitutional order and the jurisprudence, if there are justifications to extend that recognition of private autonomy to anticipate the economic effects that a marital breakdown produces. From the development of the main economic effects produced by a marital breakup, we justify the need for the repeal of article 312 of the Civil Code that limits the freedom of contracting between spouses, as well as the normative reception of the premarital agreements, which in our environment can mean a better protection, by the spouses themselves, against the unfair economic consequences that a marital breakup can produce. We make a theoretical approach of the premarital agreements to find their practical utility in our context, and we evaluate if their incorporation in our legal system can represent a better protection of the spouses, in the hands of the spouses themselves, by means of such agreements or pacts.
Divorcio--Legislación--Perú, Matrimonio--Legislación--Perú, Familias--Legislación--Perú