Informe de experiencias en el área de psicología de una institución educativa nacional de nivel secundaria para varones en Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional describe los logros de aprendizaje en las
competencias diagnostica, interviene y evalúa en el periodo de prácticas llevadas a cabo en una
institución educativa nacional de nivel secundaria para varones ubicada en Lima Metropolitana
y en actividades desarrolladas como parte del curso integrador Psicología y Salud. Durante este
periodo de prácticas se pudo identificar necesidades de los estudiantes, apoderados y docentes,
así como brindar estrategias que respondan a las mismas, tomando en cuenta consideraciones
éticas a lo largo del desarrollo de las actividades realizadas. En esta línea, se presenta como
evidencia para la competencia diagnostica el diagnóstico general que se realizó en colaboración
de otros practicantes a los estudiantes de la institución en las últimas semanas de clase. Para la
competencia interviene, se presenta como evidencia la descripción de un taller sobre
reconocimiento de las emociones que se realizó como parte de las actividades que abordan las
necesidades de los estudiantes durante el contexto COVID-19. Finalmente, para la competencia
evalúa, se presentan el monitoreo y evaluación de procesos de dos actividades realizadas en una
facultad de una universidad privada en Lima Metropolitana, como parte del curso integrador de
Psicología y Salud.
This Professional Proficiency Work describes the learning achievements in the diagnostic, intervenes and evaluates competencies in the internship period carried out in a national secondary educational institution for men located in Metropolitan Lima and in activities developed as part of the integrative course Psychology and Health. During this internship period, it was possible to identify the needs of students, parents and teachers, as well as provide strategies that respond to them, taking into account ethical considerations throughout the development of the activities carried out. Along these lines, the general diagnosis that was carried out in collaboration with other practitioners to the students of the institution in the last weeks of class is presented as evidence for the diagnostic competence. For the intervening competition, the description of a workshop on emotion recognition that was carried out as part of the activities that address the needs of students during the COVID-19 context is presented as evidence. Finally, for the evaluates competence, the monitoring and evaluation of processes of two activities carried out in a faculty of a private university in Metropolitan Lima as part of the integrative course of Psychology and Health is presented.
This Professional Proficiency Work describes the learning achievements in the diagnostic, intervenes and evaluates competencies in the internship period carried out in a national secondary educational institution for men located in Metropolitan Lima and in activities developed as part of the integrative course Psychology and Health. During this internship period, it was possible to identify the needs of students, parents and teachers, as well as provide strategies that respond to them, taking into account ethical considerations throughout the development of the activities carried out. Along these lines, the general diagnosis that was carried out in collaboration with other practitioners to the students of the institution in the last weeks of class is presented as evidence for the diagnostic competence. For the intervening competition, the description of a workshop on emotion recognition that was carried out as part of the activities that address the needs of students during the COVID-19 context is presented as evidence. Finally, for the evaluates competence, the monitoring and evaluation of processes of two activities carried out in a faculty of a private university in Metropolitan Lima as part of the integrative course of Psychology and Health is presented.
Pandemia de COVID-19, 2020---Aspectos psicológicos--Perú--Lima, Escolares--Salud mental--Perú--Lima, Estudiantes universitarios--Salud mental--Perú--Lima
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