Percepciones de los estudiantes de 5to grado de primaria sobre las competencias académicas que poseen para la transición de la primaria hacia la secundaria en una Institución Educativa de la ciudad de Lima con Bachillerato Internacional
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación aborda el tema de las competencias académicas en la
transición hacia la secundaria desde la perspectiva de los estudiantes. Por ello, el
problema de investigación es ¿Cuáles son las percepciones de los estudiantes de 5to
grado de primaria sobre sus competencias académicas para el proceso de transición
hacia la secundaria? En ese sentido, se planteó como objetivos conocer en primer
lugar qué competencias básicas consideran prioritarias para su paso a la secundaria;
y en segundo lugar, conocer sus valoraciones sobre el nivel de logro que creen haber
alcanzado con respecto a dichas competencias. La investigación tiene un enfoque
cualitativo de tipo descriptivo y emplea como técnica la encuesta y como instrumento
el cuestionario para ser aplicado en los estudiantes de quinto grado de primaria de
una institución educativa privada con el programa de Bachillerato Internacional (IB).
Los principales hallazgos demuestran que, según la percepción de los estudiantes,
las competencias “aprender a aprender”, por un lado; así como la competencia
“matemática y ciencia y tecnología” son prioritarias para el paso a la secundaria.
Además, indicaron que consideran haber alcanzado estas competencias de manera
más significativa, refiriéndose a una comprensión y dominio más profundos que han
cultivado durante su preparación para la transición a la secundaria.
This research addresses the topic of academic competencies in the transition to secondary education from the perspective of students. The research problem is framed as follows: What are the perceptions of fifth-grade primary students regarding their academic competencies for the transition to secondary education? In this regard, the objectives were defined to firstly identify the basic competencies they consider prioritized for their transition to secondary education. Secondly, to understand their assessments of the level of achievement they believe to have reached concerning these competencies. The research adopts a qualitative, descriptive approach and utilizes a survey as the technique, employing a questionnaire as the instrument. This survey is administered to fifth-grade students in a private educational institution following the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. The primary findings reveal that, according to students' perceptions, competencies such as "learning to learn" and "mathematics and science and technology" are deemed crucial for the transition to secondary education. Additionally, students indicated that they perceive having achieved these competencies in a more significant manner, referring to a deeper understanding and mastery cultivated during their preparation for the transition to secondary education.
This research addresses the topic of academic competencies in the transition to secondary education from the perspective of students. The research problem is framed as follows: What are the perceptions of fifth-grade primary students regarding their academic competencies for the transition to secondary education? In this regard, the objectives were defined to firstly identify the basic competencies they consider prioritized for their transition to secondary education. Secondly, to understand their assessments of the level of achievement they believe to have reached concerning these competencies. The research adopts a qualitative, descriptive approach and utilizes a survey as the technique, employing a questionnaire as the instrument. This survey is administered to fifth-grade students in a private educational institution following the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. The primary findings reveal that, according to students' perceptions, competencies such as "learning to learn" and "mathematics and science and technology" are deemed crucial for the transition to secondary education. Additionally, students indicated that they perceive having achieved these competencies in a more significant manner, referring to a deeper understanding and mastery cultivated during their preparation for the transition to secondary education.
Aprendizaje (Educación), Educación basada en competencias, Estudiantes (Educación primaria)--Rendimiento académico
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