Ideología política, valores y homofobia/lesbofobia en estudiantes universitarios y activistas LGTBIQ
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La asociación entre la ideología política, los valores y los niveles de homofobia/lesbofobia
son estudiados, a partir de un diseño correlacional, en dos muestras particulares: estudiantes
universitarios/as (n = 64) y activistas de la comunidad LGTBIQ (n = 60). Los resultados
muestran que los estudiantes, en comparación a los activistas, presentan niveles más altos
de conservadurismo político (RWA, SDO, OPD e intolerancia a la ambigüedad), así como
puntajes más altos en los valores de conservación. Por otra parte, se observa una relación
positiva entre el conservadurismo político, los valores de conservación y la
The association between political ideology, values and levels of homophobia/lesbophobia, is studied, by a correlational design, in two particular samples: university students (n = 64) and LGTBIQ community activists (n = 60). These results point out that the students, in comparison with LGTBIQ activists, present higher levels of political conservatism (RWA, SDO, OPD and ambiguity intolerance) and higher levels of the conservation value. On the other hand, a positive relationship between the political conservatism, the conservation value and homophobia/lesbophobia was found.
The association between political ideology, values and levels of homophobia/lesbophobia, is studied, by a correlational design, in two particular samples: university students (n = 64) and LGTBIQ community activists (n = 60). These results point out that the students, in comparison with LGTBIQ activists, present higher levels of political conservatism (RWA, SDO, OPD and ambiguity intolerance) and higher levels of the conservation value. On the other hand, a positive relationship between the political conservatism, the conservation value and homophobia/lesbophobia was found.
Ideología--Aspectos políticos, Valores, Homofobia.
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