Brand equity desde la perspectiva del consumidor logrado por una marca personal, en agosto del 2020, a partir de su estrategia de branded content en redes sociales
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objetivo de la presente investigación es conocer el brand equity de Mía Astral en agosto del
2020, a partir de su estrategia de branded content en redes sociales, desde la perspectiva de los
integrantes del grupo de Facebook “Mía Astral Seguidores”. Este trabajo académico aporta a
la teoría del brand equity (un enfoque que aún cuenta con escasa referencia bibliográfica) desde
la mirada de las ciencias de la comunicación y de las redes sociales. El estudio, aplicado al
grupo de Facebook “Mía Astral Seguidores” durante el mes de agosto del 2020, está basado en
las teorías propuestas por Aaker, Keller, Casanoves y Margarida, en conjunto con las
metodologías propuestas por las consultoras Young & Rubicam, Equitrend, Millward Brown
Kantar e Interbrand. Con base en ellas, las variables consideradas para determinar el valor de
marca son las siguientes: la notoriedad de marca, la imagen de marca, el brand response y la
resonancia. Para su evaluación, la investigación considera la aplicación de un análisis de
contenidos a las publicaciones en redes sociales de Mía Astral, entrevistas a profundidad y la
aplicación de una encuesta. El resultado de la investigación muestra que Mía Astral cuenta con
un brand equity favorable, pero que aún es necesario trasladar la valoración de marca desde los
contenidos de redes sociales hacia los productos y servicios que ofrece. Asimismo, se constata
que la influencia más positiva desde las redes sociales sociales al brand equity se da en las
variables de notoriedad e imagen de marca.
The objective of this research is to identify the brand equity of the personal brand "Mia Astral" during the month of August in 2020 based on its branded content strategy in social networks from the perspective of the members of the Facebook group "Mia Astral Seguidores". This academic work contributes to the theory of brand equity (an approach that still has little bibliographic reference) from the perspective of communication sciences and social networks. The study, applied to the Facebook group “Mía Astral Seguidores” during the month of August in 2020 is based on the theories proposed by Aaker, Keller, Casanoves and Margarida, in conjunction with the methodologies proposed by the consultants Young & Rubicam, Equitrend, Millward Brown Kantar and Interbrand. Based on these sources, the variables considered to determine brand equity are the following: brand awareness, brand image, brand response and resonance. For its evaluation, the research considers the application of a content analysis to Mía Astral's social media posts, in-depth interviews and the application of a survey. The result of the investigation shows that Mía Astral has a favorable brand equity, but that it is still necessary to transfer the brand valuation from the content of social networks to the products and services it offers. Likewise, it is found that the most positive influence from social networks to brand equity occurs in the variables of notoriety and brand image.
The objective of this research is to identify the brand equity of the personal brand "Mia Astral" during the month of August in 2020 based on its branded content strategy in social networks from the perspective of the members of the Facebook group "Mia Astral Seguidores". This academic work contributes to the theory of brand equity (an approach that still has little bibliographic reference) from the perspective of communication sciences and social networks. The study, applied to the Facebook group “Mía Astral Seguidores” during the month of August in 2020 is based on the theories proposed by Aaker, Keller, Casanoves and Margarida, in conjunction with the methodologies proposed by the consultants Young & Rubicam, Equitrend, Millward Brown Kantar and Interbrand. Based on these sources, the variables considered to determine brand equity are the following: brand awareness, brand image, brand response and resonance. For its evaluation, the research considers the application of a content analysis to Mía Astral's social media posts, in-depth interviews and the application of a survey. The result of the investigation shows that Mía Astral has a favorable brand equity, but that it is still necessary to transfer the brand valuation from the content of social networks to the products and services it offers. Likewise, it is found that the most positive influence from social networks to brand equity occurs in the variables of notoriety and brand image.
Marcas de fábrica, Mercadeo en Internet, Redes sociales, Medios de comunicación de masas, Publicidad--Planificación
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