Motivación académica y metas de logro hacia estudios preuniversitarios
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación, basada en la Teoría de la Autodeterminación, tiene
como objetivo estudiar las metas de logro y las razones por las cuales se siguen dichas
metas, así como las relaciones con el compromiso y falta de compromiso cognitivo, el
compromiso y falta de compromiso emocional, el autosabotaje en el proceso de
aprendizaje y el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes preuniversitarios.
La muestra estuvo compuesta por 251 estudiantes de dos centros preuniversitarios
de Lima Metropolitana. Se realizaron análisis de regresiones lineales, por lo cual se
plantearon 5 modelos para poder encontrar las predicciones entre las variables y, así,
comprobar las hipótesis planteadas.
Los resultados indicaron que el complejo de metas de aproximación al dominio
autónomas y el complejo de metas de aproximación al desempeño autónomas predicen
positiva y significativamente el compromiso hacia el aprendizaje (cognitivo y emocional)
y, sólo la segunda, logró predecir positiva y significativamente el rendimiento académico
del estudiante. Por otro lado, como se esperaba, las metas de logro influenciadas por
razones controladas, lograron predecir la falta de compromiso hacia el aprendizaje
(cognitivo y emocional) y el autosabotaje académico
Así, se encontró que las mayores predictoras de los aspectos favorables para el
proceso de aprendizaje de los estudiantes fue el complejo de metas de aproximación al
dominio autónomas. Para futuras investigaciones, se sugiere tomar en cuenta la
percepción de los tutores o profesores, ya que permitirá obtener un panorama más
completo de la situación y, sobre todo, del apoyo a la autonomía que reciben los
The present study, based on Self-determination Theory, aim to study achievement goals and the reasons why those goals are followed, as well as their relationships with engagement and lack of cognitive engagement, engagement and lack of emotional engagement, self-handicapping in the learning process and academic performance of students in an academy for university admission. The sample consisted of 251 students from two academies for university admission of Lima. Linear regression analyzes were carried out, so five models were proposed to be able to find the predictions among the variables and verify the hypotheses. The results indicated that autonomous mastery goal complex and autonomous performance goal complex predict positive and significantly cognitive and emotional engagement and, only the second, predict positive and significantly academic performance of the student. In addition, as expected, achievement goals influenced by controlled reasons predict the lack of cognitive and emotional engagement and selfhandicapping. Therefore, it was found that the main predictors of the favorable aspects for the students' learning process were autonomous mastery goal complex. For future research it is recommended to take into account the perception of the tutors or teachers, in order to obtain more information about the situation and the autonomy support that they give to their students.
The present study, based on Self-determination Theory, aim to study achievement goals and the reasons why those goals are followed, as well as their relationships with engagement and lack of cognitive engagement, engagement and lack of emotional engagement, self-handicapping in the learning process and academic performance of students in an academy for university admission. The sample consisted of 251 students from two academies for university admission of Lima. Linear regression analyzes were carried out, so five models were proposed to be able to find the predictions among the variables and verify the hypotheses. The results indicated that autonomous mastery goal complex and autonomous performance goal complex predict positive and significantly cognitive and emotional engagement and, only the second, predict positive and significantly academic performance of the student. In addition, as expected, achievement goals influenced by controlled reasons predict the lack of cognitive and emotional engagement and selfhandicapping. Therefore, it was found that the main predictors of the favorable aspects for the students' learning process were autonomous mastery goal complex. For future research it is recommended to take into account the perception of the tutors or teachers, in order to obtain more information about the situation and the autonomy support that they give to their students.
Estudiantes--Investigaciones--Perú--Lima, Motivación (Psicología), Rendimiento académico
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