Factores psicosociales asociados al voto inválido de peruanos durante las elecciones presidenciales del 2021
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este estudio investiga los factores psicosociales asociados al voto inválido en
la segunda vuelta electoral peruana del 2021, protagonizada por Keiko
Fujimori y Pedro Castillo. Para cumplir el objetivo de la investigación, se realizó
un estudio cuantitativo y cualitativo. En el primero, se examinaron las
diferencias en las dimensiones de las escalas de cinismo político, actitud hacia
la democracia y sofisticación política entre dos grupos: un grupo conformado
por 129 personas (M = 35.9) que votaron por alguno de los candidatos y otro
grupo conformado por 14 personas (M = 29.5) que invalidaron su voto. En el
estudio cualitativo, se realizaron entrevistas cortas a 17 personas (M = 22.8)
para explorar las razones subyacentes al voto inválido a través de cinco subpreguntas
que referenciaban la satisfacción hacia la democracia, el
conocimiento político, el interés político, el cinismo político y el contexto
socioemocional. Los resultados de ambos estudios, revelaron que el voto
inválido estaba motivado por un descontento político y alienación política
producto del malestar generado por los niveles de corrupción percibidos.
Aunque se reconoce una menor satisfacción hacia la democracia en la
muestra de votantes inválidos, se sugiere que esto no implicaba un rechazo
total al sistema político. Esto se entiende mejor considerando que, en la
muestra, la motivación antisistema no fue un factor determinante al momento
de invalidar el voto. Como se observó en el estudio cuantitativo, las personas
que invalidaron su voto poseían una mayor intención de mantener el sistema
político como está; y considerando el estudio cualitativo, gran parte de los
participantes optaron no votar por Castillo, ya que lo percibían como una
amenaza real al sistema político por representar lo que para ellos era una
ideología radical y antisistema. Este estudio aporta una perspectiva particular
al campo de los estudios electorales al examinar el voto inválido desde una
perspectiva de la psicología social y política. En sus hallazgos, se destaca la
relevancia de comprender estos y otros factores psicosociales que influyen en
el comportamiento electoral para fortalecer la democracia.
This study aims to show the psychosocial factors associated with invalid voting in the second round of the Peruvian 2021 election, featuring Keiko Fujimori and Pedro Castillo. To accomplish the research objectives, both quantitative and qualitative methods were employed. In the quantitative study, differences in the dimensions of political cynicism, attitude towards democracy, and political sophistication were examined between two groups: a group of 129 individuals (M = 35.9) who voted for one of the candidates and another group of 14 individuals (M = 29.5) who invalidated their vote. In the qualitative study, short interviews were conducted with 17 individuals (M = 22.8) to explore the underlying reasons for invalid voting through five sub-questions that addressed satisfaction towards democracy, political knowledge, political interest, political cynicism, and socioemotional context. The results of both studies revealed that invalid voting was motivated by political discontent and political alienation resulting from the discomfort caused by perceived corruption levels. Although a lower satisfaction towards democracy was acknowledged in the sample of invalid voters, it is suggested that this did not imply a total rejection of the political system. This is better understood by considering that, in the sample, anti-system motivation was not a determining factor when invalidating the vote. As observed in the quantitative study, those who invalidated their vote had a higher intention to maintain the political system as it is. Furthermore, considering the qualitative study, a significant portion of participants chose not to vote for Castillo as they perceived him as a real threat to the political system, representing what they considered a radical and anti-system ideology. This study provides a particular perspective to the field of electoral studies by examining invalid voting from a social and political psychology standpoint. The findings highlight the importance of understanding these and other psychosocial factors that influence electoral behavior in order to strengthen democracy.
This study aims to show the psychosocial factors associated with invalid voting in the second round of the Peruvian 2021 election, featuring Keiko Fujimori and Pedro Castillo. To accomplish the research objectives, both quantitative and qualitative methods were employed. In the quantitative study, differences in the dimensions of political cynicism, attitude towards democracy, and political sophistication were examined between two groups: a group of 129 individuals (M = 35.9) who voted for one of the candidates and another group of 14 individuals (M = 29.5) who invalidated their vote. In the qualitative study, short interviews were conducted with 17 individuals (M = 22.8) to explore the underlying reasons for invalid voting through five sub-questions that addressed satisfaction towards democracy, political knowledge, political interest, political cynicism, and socioemotional context. The results of both studies revealed that invalid voting was motivated by political discontent and political alienation resulting from the discomfort caused by perceived corruption levels. Although a lower satisfaction towards democracy was acknowledged in the sample of invalid voters, it is suggested that this did not imply a total rejection of the political system. This is better understood by considering that, in the sample, anti-system motivation was not a determining factor when invalidating the vote. As observed in the quantitative study, those who invalidated their vote had a higher intention to maintain the political system as it is. Furthermore, considering the qualitative study, a significant portion of participants chose not to vote for Castillo as they perceived him as a real threat to the political system, representing what they considered a radical and anti-system ideology. This study provides a particular perspective to the field of electoral studies by examining invalid voting from a social and political psychology standpoint. The findings highlight the importance of understanding these and other psychosocial factors that influence electoral behavior in order to strengthen democracy.
Presidentes--Elección--Perú--2021, Participación política--Perú, Voto--Investigaciones--Perú, Psicología social--Perú
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