Las Mujeres Políticas: Representación y Autorrepresentación en el Periodismo Digital Peruano e Instagram
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El contexto de desigualdad que viven las mujeres peruanas en el ámbito político se ve
evidenciado en la participación política, sobre todo cuando hay procesos electorales. Se trata
de un problema estructural cuyos obstáculos actualmente son: la insuficiencia de las leyes
vigentes, la falta de experiencia en cargos de representación y la ausencia de incentivos para la
participación. Frente a ello, los sistemas de representación mediáticos cumplen un rol
importante en la imagen de las candidatas durante sus campañas. Por ello, la presente
investigación busca identificar cuál es la relación entre la representación y la
autorrepresentación de las mujeres políticas, en el periodismo digital y en Instagram. Este
objetivo se logró mediante dos análisis de contenido a raíz de los casos de tres candidatas
electas en las Elecciones Generales del año 2021: Isabel Cortez, Adriana Tudela y Susel
Paredes. Los resultados muestran que la representación y autorrepresentación se complementan
y forman parte de un mismo sistema. Además, los hallazgos contribuyen a entender las
trayectorias de las candidatas para llegar a puestos de poder, así como las formas de
participación política de las mujeres en el Perú
The inequality experienced by Peruvian women in the political sphere is evident by their political participation, especially when there are electoral processes. This is a structural problem which is affected by the following current obstacles: the inadequacy of the existing legislation, the lack of experience in representative positions and the absence of incentives for participation. Taking this into consideration, media representation systems play an important role in the image of women candidates during their campaigns. The present study seeks to identify what is the relationship between the representation and the self-representation of women politicians in digital journalism and on Instagram. This objective was achieved through two content analyses following the cases of three elected female candidates in the 2021 General Elections: Isabel Cortez, Adriana Tudela and Susel Paredes. The results show that representation and self-representation complement each other and are part of the same system. In addition, these findings contribute to a better understanding of the trajectories followed by women candidates in order to reach positions of power, as well as the forms of political participation of women in Peru
The inequality experienced by Peruvian women in the political sphere is evident by their political participation, especially when there are electoral processes. This is a structural problem which is affected by the following current obstacles: the inadequacy of the existing legislation, the lack of experience in representative positions and the absence of incentives for participation. Taking this into consideration, media representation systems play an important role in the image of women candidates during their campaigns. The present study seeks to identify what is the relationship between the representation and the self-representation of women politicians in digital journalism and on Instagram. This objective was achieved through two content analyses following the cases of three elected female candidates in the 2021 General Elections: Isabel Cortez, Adriana Tudela and Susel Paredes. The results show that representation and self-representation complement each other and are part of the same system. In addition, these findings contribute to a better understanding of the trajectories followed by women candidates in order to reach positions of power, as well as the forms of political participation of women in Peru
Periodismo en línea--Perú, Redes sociales en línea--Aspectos sociales, Mujeres--Actividad política--Perú, Discriminación sexual contra las mujeres
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